Treasury of Scripture Knowledge


But what think ye? A certain man had two sons; and he came to the first, and said, Son, go work to day in my vineyard.

A certain

Bible References


Matthew 17:25
He says, Yes. And when he came into the house, Jesus anticipated him, saying, What dost thou think, Simon? the kings of the earth, from whom do they receive custom or tribute? from their own sons or from strangers?
Matthew 22:17
tell us therefore what thou thinkest: Is it lawful to give tribute to Caesar, or not?
Luke 13:4
Or those eighteen on whom the tower in Siloam fell and killed them, think ye that they were debtors beyond all the men who dwell in Jerusalem?
1 Corinthians 10:15
I speak as to intelligent persons: do ye judge what I say.

A certain

Luke 15:11
And he said, A certain man had two sons;


Matthew 20:5
Again, having gone out about the sixth and ninth hour, he did likewise.
Mark 13:34
it is as a man gone out of the country, having left his house and given to his bondmen the authority, and to each one his work, and commanded the doorkeeper that he should watch.
1 Corinthians 15:58
So then, my beloved brethren, be firm, immovable, abounding always in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord.

General references

Isaiah 1:19
If ye be willing and hearken, ye shall eat the good of the land;
Luke 5:30
And their scribes and the Pharisees murmured at his disciples, saying, Why do ye eat and drink with tax-gatherers and sinners?
Luke 13:30
And behold, there are last who shall be first, and there are first who shall be last.
Luke 15:1
And all the tax-gatherers and the sinners were coming near to him to hear him;