Matthew 5:20

For I assure you that unless your righteousness greatly surpasses that of the Scribes and the Pharisees, you will certainly not find entrance into the Kingdom of the Heavens.

Hebrews 12:14

but may rather be restored. Persistently strive for peace with all men, and for that growth in holiness apart from which no one will see the Lord.

Romans 10:2-3

For I bear witness that they possess an enthusiasm for God, but it is an unenlightened enthusiasm.

Philippians 3:9

not having a righteousness of my own, derived from the Law, but that which arises from faith in Christ--the righteousness which comes from God through faith.

Matthew 3:10

And already the axe is lying at the root of the trees, so that every tree which does not produce good fruit will quickly be hewn down and thrown into the fire.

Matthew 7:21

"Not every one who says to me, 'Master, Master,' will enter the Kingdom of the Heavens, but only those who are obedient to my Father who is in Heaven.

Matthew 18:5

And whoever for my sake receives one young child such as this, receives me.

Matthew 23:2-5

"The Scribes," He said, "and the Pharisees sit in the chair of Moses.

Matthew 23:23-28

"Alas for you, Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, for you pay the tithe on mint, dill, and cumin, while you have neglected the weightier requirements of the Law--just judgement, mercy, and faithful dealing. These things you ought to have done, and yet you ought not to have left the others undone.

Mark 10:15

In solemn truth I tell you that no one who does not receive the Kingdom of God like a little child will by any possibility enter it."

Mark 10:25

It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God."

Luke 11:39-40

The Master however said to him, "Here we see how you Pharisees clean the outside of the cup or plate, while your secret hearts are full of greed and selfishness.

Luke 11:44

Alas for you! for you are like the tombs which lie hidden, and the people who walk over them are not aware of their existence."

Luke 12:1

Meanwhile the people had come streaming towards Him by tens of thousands, so that they were trampling one another under foot. And now He proceeded to say to His disciples first, "Beware of the yeast of the Pharisees, that is to say, beware of hypocrisy.

Luke 16:14-15

To all this the Pharisees listened, bitterly jeering at Him; for they were lovers of money.

Luke 18:10-14

"Two men went up to the Temple to pray," He said; "one being a Pharisee and the other a tax-gatherer.

Luke 18:17

I tell you in solemn truth that, whoever does not receive the Kingdom of God like a little child will certainly not enter it."

Luke 18:24-25

Jesus saw his sorrow, and said, "With how hard a struggle do the possessors of riches ever enter the Kingdom of God!

Luke 20:46-47

"Beware of the Scribes, who like to walk about in long robes, and love to be bowed to in places of public resort and to occupy the best seats in the synagogues or at a dinner party;

John 3:3-5

"In most solemn truth I tell you," answered Jesus, "that unless a man is born anew he cannot see the Kingdom of God."

Romans 9:30-32

To what conclusion does this bring us? Why, that the Gentiles, who were not in pursuit of righteousness, have overtaken it--a righteousness, however, which arises from faith;

2 Corinthians 5:17

So that if any one is in Christ, he is a new creature: the old state of things has passed away; a new state of things has come into existence.

Revelation 21:27

And no unclean thing shall ever enter it, nor any one who is guilty of base conduct or tells lies, but only they whose names stand recorded in the Lamb's Book of Life.

Treasury of Scripture Knowledge


For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven.

General references

Bible References


Matthew 23:2
"The Scribes," He said, "and the Pharisees sit in the chair of Moses.
Luke 11:39
The Master however said to him, "Here we see how you Pharisees clean the outside of the cup or plate, while your secret hearts are full of greed and selfishness.
Luke 12:1
Meanwhile the people had come streaming towards Him by tens of thousands, so that they were trampling one another under foot. And now He proceeded to say to His disciples first, "Beware of the yeast of the Pharisees, that is to say, beware of hypocrisy.
Luke 16:14
To all this the Pharisees listened, bitterly jeering at Him; for they were lovers of money.
Luke 18:10
"Two men went up to the Temple to pray," He said; "one being a Pharisee and the other a tax-gatherer.
Luke 20:46
"Beware of the Scribes, who like to walk about in long robes, and love to be bowed to in places of public resort and to occupy the best seats in the synagogues or at a dinner party;
Romans 9:30
To what conclusion does this bring us? Why, that the Gentiles, who were not in pursuit of righteousness, have overtaken it--a righteousness, however, which arises from faith;
Romans 10:2
For I bear witness that they possess an enthusiasm for God, but it is an unenlightened enthusiasm.
2 Corinthians 5:17
So that if any one is in Christ, he is a new creature: the old state of things has passed away; a new state of things has come into existence.
Philippians 3:9
not having a righteousness of my own, derived from the Law, but that which arises from faith in Christ--the righteousness which comes from God through faith.


Matthew 3:10
And already the axe is lying at the root of the trees, so that every tree which does not produce good fruit will quickly be hewn down and thrown into the fire.
Matthew 7:21
"Not every one who says to me, 'Master, Master,' will enter the Kingdom of the Heavens, but only those who are obedient to my Father who is in Heaven.
Matthew 18:5
And whoever for my sake receives one young child such as this, receives me.
Mark 10:15
In solemn truth I tell you that no one who does not receive the Kingdom of God like a little child will by any possibility enter it."
Luke 18:17
I tell you in solemn truth that, whoever does not receive the Kingdom of God like a little child will certainly not enter it."
John 3:3
"In most solemn truth I tell you," answered Jesus, "that unless a man is born anew he cannot see the Kingdom of God."
Hebrews 12:14
but may rather be restored. Persistently strive for peace with all men, and for that growth in holiness apart from which no one will see the Lord.
Revelation 21:27
And no unclean thing shall ever enter it, nor any one who is guilty of base conduct or tells lies, but only they whose names stand recorded in the Lamb's Book of Life.

General references

Matthew 22:36
"Teacher, which is the greatest Commandment in the Law?"