Treasury of Scripture Knowledge


Judge not, that ye be not judged.

Bible References

General references

Luke 6:37
Then stop criticizing others, and you will never be criticized; stop condemning others, and you will never be condemned.
Romans 2:1
Therefore, you have no excuse, whoever you are, who pose as a judge of others, for when you pass judgment on another, you condemn yourself, for you who pose as a judge are practicing the very same sins yourself.
Romans 14:3
The man who eats anything must not look down on the man who does not do so, nor must the man who does not do so condemn the man who does, for God has fully accepted him.
1 Corinthians 4:3
As for me, myself, it is of very little concern to me to be examined by you or any human court; in fact, I do not even examine myself.
James 3:1
Many of you, my brothers, should avoid becoming teachers, because you know that we teachers are going to be judged with stricter judgment than other people.
James 4:11
Stop talking against one another, brothers. Whoever is in the habit of talking against a brother or of criticizing his brother is criticizing and condemning the law. But if you are in the habit of criticizing the law, you are not a practicer but a critic of the law.