Treasury of Scripture Knowledge


There is that scattereth, and yet increaseth; and there is that withholdeth more than is meet, but it tendeth to poverty.

Bible References

That scattereth

Proverbs 11:18

The wicked man earns deceptive wages,
But he who sows righteousness and lives his life with integrity will have a true reward [that is both permanent and satisfying].
Proverbs 19:17

He who is gracious and lends a hand to the poor lends to the Lord,
And the Lord will repay him for his good deed.
Proverbs 28:8

He who increases his wealth by interest and usury (excessive interest)
Gathers it for him who is gracious to the poor.
Deuteronomy 15:10
You shall freely and generously give to him, and your heart shall not be resentful when you give to him, because for this [generous] thing the Lord your God will bless you in all your work and in all your undertakings.
Psalm 112:9

He has given freely to the poor;
His righteousness endures forever;
His horn will be exalted in honor.
Ecclesiastes 11:1
Cast your bread on the surface of the waters, [be diligently active, make thoughtful decisions], for you will find it after many days.
Luke 6:38
Give, and it will be given to you. They will pour into your lap a good measure—pressed down, shaken together, and running over [with no space left for more]. For with the standard of measurement you use [when you do good to others], it will be measured to you in return.”
Acts 11:29
So the disciples decided to send a contribution, each according to his individual ability, to the believers who lived in Judea.
2 Corinthians 9:5
That is why I thought it necessary to urge these brothers to go to you [before I come] and make arrangements in advance for this generous, previously promised gift of yours, so that it would be ready, not as something extorted [or wrung out of you], but as a [voluntary and] generous gift.


Haggai 1:6
You have planted much, but you harvest little; you eat, but you do not have enough; you drink, but you do not have enough to be intoxicated; you clothe yourselves, but no one is warm enough; and he who earns wages earns them just to put them in a bag with holes in it [because God has withheld His blessing].”
Haggai 2:16
from that time when one came to a grain heap expecting twenty measures, there would be only ten; and when one came to the wine vat to draw out fifty measures, there would be only twenty.

General references

Leviticus 23:22
‘When you reap the harvest of your land, you shall not reap to the edges of your field, nor gather the gleaning of your harvest; you are to leave them for the poor and for the stranger. I am the Lord your God.’”
Proverbs 3:10

Then your barns will be abundantly filled
And your vats will overflow with new wine.
Matthew 5:42
Give to him who asks of you, and do not turn away from him who wants to borrow from you.