Treasury of Scripture Knowledge

Bible References


Psalm 32:1
([Psalm of David]) Blessed is the person whose transgression is forgiven and whose sin is pardoned.
Psalm 51:1
([[Psalm of David] when the prophet Nathan came to him after David's adultery with Bathsheba:]) Have mercy on me, O God, in keeping with your loving-kindness. According to your unlimited compassion, wipe out my transgressions.
Psalm 130:8
He will save his people Israel from all their sins.
2 Samuel 12:13
David said to Nathan: I have sinned against Jehovah. Nathan replied: Jehovah has taken away your sin. You will not die.
Isaiah 43:25
I alone am the one who is going to wipe away your rebellious actions for my own sake. I will not remember your sins anymore.
Matthew 9:2
A man on a bed, a paralytic, was brought to Jesus. Seeing their faith Jesus said to the sick man: Have courage; your sins are forgiven.
Mark 2:5
When Jesus saw their faith, he told the man: Friend your sins are forgiven.
Luke 7:47
She loved much! She has many sins and they are forgiven. When little is forgiven, little love is shown.
Ephesians 1:7
In him we have our redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace.


Psalm 30:2
O Jehovah my God, I cried to you for help, and you healed me.
Psalm 38:1
([Psalm of David]) O Jehovah, do not correct me or discipline me in your burning anger.
Psalm 41:3
Jehovah will support him on his sickbed. You will restore him to health when he is ill.
Psalm 107:17
Fools suffered because of their disobedience and because of their crimes.
Psalm 147:3
He is the healer of the brokenhearted. He is the one who bandages their wounds.
Exodus 15:26
He said: If you will listen carefully to Jehovah your God and do what he considers right, if you pay attention to his commands and obey all his laws, I will never make you suffer any of the diseases I made the Egyptians suffer. I am Jehovah, who heals you.
Numbers 12:13
Therefore Moses cried out to Jehovah: O God, heal her!
Numbers 21:7
The people came to Moses and said: We sinned when we criticized Jehovah and you. Pray to Jehovah so that he will take the snakes away from us. So Moses prayed for the people.
Isaiah 33:24
No one living in Zion will say: I am sick. The sins of those who dwell there will be forgiven.
Isaiah 53:5
But he was pierced for our transgressions! He was crushed for our iniquities! The punishment that brought us peace was upon him. There has been healing for us because of his wounds.
Jeremiah 17:14
Heal me, O Jehovah, and I will be healed! Save me and I will be saved! For you are my song of praise.
James 5:15
The prayer of faith will save the sick person. God will raise him up; and if he committed sins, it will be forgiven him.

General references

Luke 17:15
When he was healed, one of them came back and praised God in a loud voice.