Treasury of Scripture Knowledge

Bible References


Psalm 23:5

You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.
You have anointed and refreshed my head with oil;
My cup overflows.
Judges 9:13
And the vine replied, ‘Should I give up my new wine, which makes God and men happy, and go to wave over the trees?’
Proverbs 31:6

Give strong drink [as medicine] to him who is ready to pass away,
And wine to him whose life is bitter.
Ecclesiastes 10:19
The officials make a feast for enjoyment [instead of repairing what is broken], and serve wine to make life merry, and money is the answer to everything.
Jeremiah 31:12

“They will come and sing aloud and shout for joy on the height of Zion,
And will be radiant [with joy] over the goodness of the Lord
For the grain, for the new wine, for the oil,
And for the young of the flock and the herd.
And their life will be like a watered garden,
And they shall never sorrow or languish again.
Zechariah 9:15

The Lord of hosts shall defend and protect them;
And they will devour [the enemy] and trample down the slingstones [that have missed their mark],
And they will drink [of victory] and be boisterous as with wine;
And they shall be filled like sacrificial bowls [used to catch the blood],
Drenched like the corners of the [sacrificial] altar.
Mark 14:23
And when He had taken a cup [of wine] and given thanks, He gave it to them, and they all drank from it.
Ephesians 5:18
Do not get drunk with wine, for that is wickedness (corruption, stupidity), but be filled with the [Holy] Spirit and constantly guided by Him.

Oil to make his, etc

Psalm 92:10

But my horn [my emblem of strength and power] You have exalted like that of a wild ox;
I am anointed with fresh oil [for Your service].
Deuteronomy 28:40
You will have olive trees throughout your territory but you will not anoint yourselves with the oil, because your olives will drop off.
Judges 9:9
But the olive tree said to them, ‘Should I give up my fatness by which God and men are honored, and go to wave over the trees?’
Ecclesiastes 8:1
Who is like the wise man?
And who knows the interpretation of a matter?
A man’s wisdom illumines his face,
And causes his stern face to beam.
Ecclesiastes 9:7
Go your way, eat your bread with joy and drink your wine with a cheerful heart [if you are righteous, wise, and in the hands of God]; for God has already approved and accepted your works.
Song of Songs 1:2
(The Shulammite Bride)
“May he kiss me with the kisses of his mouth!” [Solomon arrives, she turns to him, saying,]
“For your love is better than wine.
Hebrews 1:9

You have loved righteousness [integrity, virtue, uprightness in purpose] and have hated lawlessness [injustice, sin].
Therefore God, Your God, Has anointed You
With the oil of gladness above Your companions.”
1 John 2:20
But you have an anointing from the Holy One [you have been set apart, specially gifted and prepared by the Holy Spirit], and all of you know [the truth because He teaches us, illuminates our minds, and guards us from error].


Psalm 105:16

And He called for a famine upon the land [of Egypt];
He cut off every source of bread.
Leviticus 26:26
When I break your staff of bread [that is, cut off your supply of food], ten women will bake your bread in one oven, and they will ration your bread; and you will eat and not be satisfied.
Deuteronomy 8:3
He humbled you and allowed you to be hungry and fed you with manna, [a substance] which you did not know, nor did your fathers know, so that He might make you understand [by personal experience] that man does not live by bread alone, but man lives by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of the Lord.
Isaiah 3:1
Listen carefully, the Lord God of hosts is removing from Jerusalem and from Judah
Both supply and support, the whole supply of bread
And the whole supply of water;
Ezekiel 4:16
Moreover, He said to me, “Son of man, behold (listen carefully), I am going to break the staff of bread [that supports life] in Jerusalem; and they shall eat bread [rationed] by weight and [eat it] with anxiety and fear, and drink water by measure and [drink it] in horror [of the impending starvation],
Ezekiel 5:16
When I send against them the deadly arrows of hunger which were for the destruction of those whom I will send to destroy you, then I will increase the famine upon you and break your staff of bread.
Ezekiel 14:13
“Son of man, if a land sins against Me by committing unfaithfulness, and I stretch out My hand against it and destroy its source of bread and send famine on it and cut off from it both man and animal,

General references

Luke 7:46
You did not [even] anoint My head with [ordinary] oil, but she has anointed My feet with [costly and rare] perfume.
1 Timothy 5:23
No longer continue drinking [only] water, but use a little wine for the sake of your stomach and your frequent illnesses.