Psalm 140:5

[The] proud have hidden a trap for me, and cords. They have spread out a net along [the] {side} of [the] path. They have set snares for me. Selah

Psalm 35:7

For without cause they secretly hide the pit with their net for me; without cause they dug [it] for my life.

Psalm 142:3

When my spirit faints within me, you know my way. On the path where I walk, they have hidden a trap for me;

Psalm 57:6

They have set a net for my steps; my soul is bowed down. They have dug a pit before me; they have fallen into the midst of it. Selah

Jeremiah 18:22

Let a cry for help be heard from their houses when you suddenly bring upon them [the] raiding band, for they have dug a pit to catch me, and they have fixed secretly a trap for my feet.

Job 18:9

A trap seizes [him] by [the] heel; a snare takes hold of him.

Psalm 10:4-12

{With bald-faced pride} [the] wicked will not seek [God]. There is no God in any of his thoughts.

Psalm 17:8-13

Keep me as {the apple of your eye}. Hide me in the shadow of your wings

Psalm 31:4

Bring me out of [the] net that they have secretly set for me, for you [are] my refuge.

Psalm 36:11

Do not let a foot of pride come against me, nor let a wicked hand make me to wander homeless.

Psalm 119:69

[The] arrogant smear me with lies; I keep your precepts with [my] whole heart.

Psalm 119:85

[The] arrogant have dug pits for me, which [is] not according to your law.

Psalm 119:110

[The] wicked have laid a snare for me, yet I do not wander from your precepts.

Psalm 123:3-4

Be gracious to us, O Yahweh, be gracious to us, for long enough we have had our fill of contempt.

Psalm 141:9-10

Protect me from [the] {grasp} of [the] trap they have laid for me, and [from the] snares of evildoers.

Proverbs 29:5

A strong man who flatters his neighbor is spreading a net for his feet.

Jeremiah 18:18

Then they said, "Come and let us plan plans against Jeremiah, for instruction will not be lost from [the] priest, nor advice from [the] wise man, nor [the] word from [the] prophet. Come and {let us bring charges against him}, and let us not listen attentively to any of his words."

Jeremiah 18:20

Should good be repaid in place of evil? Yet they have dug a pit for me. Remember my standing {before you} to speak good for them, to avert your wrath from them.

Luke 11:53-54

And [when] he departed from there, the scribes and the Pharisees began to be terribly hostile, and to question him closely about many [things],

Luke 20:20-23

And they watched [him] closely [and] sent spies who pretended they were upright, in order that they could catch him in a statement, so that they could hand him over to the authority and the jurisdiction of the governor.

Treasury of Scripture Knowledge


The proud have hid a snare for me, and cords; they have spread a net by the wayside; they have set gins for me. Selah.

Bible References

The proud

Psalm 10:4
{With bald-faced pride} [the] wicked will not seek [God]. There is no God in any of his thoughts.
Psalm 17:8
Keep me as {the apple of your eye}. Hide me in the shadow of your wings
Psalm 35:7
For without cause they secretly hide the pit with their net for me; without cause they dug [it] for my life.
Psalm 36:11
Do not let a foot of pride come against me, nor let a wicked hand make me to wander homeless.
Psalm 57:6
They have set a net for my steps; my soul is bowed down. They have dug a pit before me; they have fallen into the midst of it. Selah
Psalm 119:69
[The] arrogant smear me with lies; I keep your precepts with [my] whole heart.
Psalm 123:3
Be gracious to us, O Yahweh, be gracious to us, for long enough we have had our fill of contempt.
Psalm 141:9
Protect me from [the] {grasp} of [the] trap they have laid for me, and [from the] snares of evildoers.
Psalm 142:3
When my spirit faints within me, you know my way. On the path where I walk, they have hidden a trap for me;
Proverbs 29:5
A strong man who flatters his neighbor is spreading a net for his feet.
Jeremiah 18:18
Then they said, "Come and let us plan plans against Jeremiah, for instruction will not be lost from [the] priest, nor advice from [the] wise man, nor [the] word from [the] prophet. Come and {let us bring charges against him}, and let us not listen attentively to any of his words."
Luke 11:53
And [when] he departed from there, the scribes and the Pharisees began to be terribly hostile, and to question him closely about many [things],
Luke 20:20
And they watched [him] closely [and] sent spies who pretended they were upright, in order that they could catch him in a statement, so that they could hand him over to the authority and the jurisdiction of the governor.