Treasury of Scripture Knowledge

Bible References


Psalm 18:28

For You cause my lamp to be lighted and to shine;
The Lord my God illumines my darkness.
Psalm 84:11

For the Lord God is a sun and shield;
The Lord bestows grace and favor and honor;
No good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly.
Job 29:3

When His lamp shone upon my head
And by His light I walked through darkness;
Isaiah 2:5

O house of Jacob, come, let us walk in the light of the Lord.
Isaiah 60:1
“Arise [from spiritual depression to a new life], shine [be radiant with the glory and brilliance of the Lord]; for your light has come,
And the glory and brilliance of the Lord has risen upon you.
Micah 7:7

But as for me, I will look expectantly for the Lord and with confidence in Him I will keep watch;
I will wait [with confident expectation] for the God of my salvation.
My God will hear me.
Malachi 4:2
But for you who fear My name [with awe-filled reverence] the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings. And you will go forward and leap [joyfully] like calves [released] from the stall.
John 1:1
In the beginning [before all time] was the Word (Christ), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God Himself.
John 8:12
Once more Jesus addressed the crowd. He said, I am the Light of the world. He who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life.”
Revelation 21:23
And the city has no need of the sun nor of the moon to give light to it, for the glory (splendor, radiance) of God has illumined it, and the Lamb is its lamp and light.
Revelation 22:5
And there will no longer be night; they have no need for lamplight or sunlight, because the Lord God will illumine them; and they will reign [as kings] forever and ever.


Psalm 3:8

Salvation belongs to the Lord;
May Your blessing be upon Your people. Selah.
Psalm 18:2

The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and the One who rescues me;
My God, my rock and strength in whom I trust and take refuge;
My shield, and the horn of my salvation, my high tower—my stronghold.
Psalm 62:2

He alone is my rock and my salvation,
My defense and my strong tower; I will not be shaken or disheartened.
Psalm 68:19

Blessed be the Lord, who bears our burden day by day,
The God who is our salvation! Selah.
Psalm 118:14

The Lord is my strength and song,
And He has become my salvation.
Exodus 15:2

“The Lord is my strength and my song,
And He has become my salvation;
This is my God, and I will praise Him;
My father’s God, and I will exalt Him.
Isaiah 12:2

“Behold, God, my salvation!
I will trust and not be afraid,
For the Lord God is my strength and song;
Yes, He has become my salvation.”
Isaiah 51:6

“Lift up your eyes to the heavens,
Then look to the earth beneath;
For the heavens will be torn to pieces and vanish like smoke,
And the earth will wear out like a garment
And its inhabitants will die in like manner.
But My salvation will be forever,
And My righteousness (justice) [and faithfully fulfilled promise] will not be broken.
Isaiah 61:10

I will rejoice greatly in the Lord,
My soul will exult in my God;
For He has clothed me with garments of salvation,
He has covered me with a robe of righteousness,
As a bridegroom puts on a turban,
And as a bride adorns herself with her jewels.
Luke 2:30

For my eyes have seen Your Salvation,
Luke 3:6

and all mankind shall see the salvation of God.’”
Revelation 7:10
and in a loud voice they cried out, saying,

“Salvation [belongs] to our God who is seated on the throne, and to the Lamb [our salvation is the Trinity’s to give, and to God the Trinity we owe our deliverance].”

Of whom

Psalm 11:1
In the Lord I take refuge [and put my trust];
How can you say to me, “Flee like a bird to your mountain;
Psalm 46:1
God is our refuge and strength [mighty and impenetrable],
A very present and well-proved help in trouble.
Psalm 56:2

My enemies have trampled upon me all day long,
For they are many who fight proudly against me.
Psalm 118:6

The Lord is on my side; I will not fear.
What can [mere] man do to me?
Matthew 8:26
He said to them, “Why are you afraid, you men of little faith?” Then He got up and rebuked the winds and the sea, and there was [at once] a great and wonderful calm [a perfect peacefulness].
Romans 8:31
What then shall we say to all these things? If God is for us, who can be [successful] against us?
Hebrews 13:6
So we take comfort and are encouraged and confidently say,

The Lord is my Helper [in time of need], I will not be afraid.
What will man do to me?”

General references

Numbers 13:30
Then Caleb quieted the people before Moses, and said, “Let us go up at once and take possession of it; for we will certainly conquer it.”
Joshua 10:8
The Lord said to Joshua, “Do not fear them, because I have given them into your hand; not one of them shall stand before you.”