Treasury of Scripture Knowledge

Bible References

They have

Revelation 6:10
and they cried out with a loud voice, saying, "{How long}, holy and true Lord, will you not judge and avenge our blood from those who live on the earth?"
Revelation 13:10
If anyone [is going] into captivity, into captivity he goes. If anyone [is] to be killed by the sword, by the sword he [is] to be killed. Here is the patient endurance and the faith of the saints.
Revelation 17:6
And I saw the woman drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the witnesses to Jesus. And {I was greatly astonished when I saw her}.
Revelation 18:24
And in her was found the blood of prophets and saints and all those who had been slaughtered on the earth.
Revelation 19:2
because his judgments [are] true and righteous, because he has passed judgment on the great prostitute who corrupted the earth with her sexual immorality, and has avenged the blood of his slaves {shed by} her hand!"
Deuteronomy 32:42
I will make my arrows drunk with blood, and my sword shall devour flesh with the blood of the slain, and captives from the heads of the leaders of [the] enemy.'
2 Kings 24:4
Also, [for] the blood of the innocent that he had shed--and he filled Jerusalem [with] innocent blood--Yahweh was not willing to forgive.
Isaiah 49:26
And I will feed your oppressors their [own] flesh, and they shall be drunk [with] their blood as [with] wine. Then all flesh shall know that I [am] Yahweh, your savior and redeemer, the strong [one] of Jacob."
Isaiah 51:22
Thus says your Lord, Yahweh, and your God pleads the cause [of] his people: "Look! I have taken from your hand the cup of staggering. You shall not {continue} to drink the goblet, the cup of my wrath, any longer.
Jeremiah 2:30
"For {in vain} I have struck your children. They accepted no discipline. Your sword devoured your prophets, like a ravening lion.
Lamentations 4:13
Because of the sins of her prophets, the guilt of her priests, who shed blood in her midst, of righteous people.
Matthew 7:2
For by what judgment you judge, you will be judged, and by what measure you measure out, it will be measured out to you.
Matthew 21:35
And the tenant farmers seized his slaves, [one of] whom they beat, and [one of] whom they killed, and [one of] whom they stoned.
Matthew 23:30
and you say, 'If we had lived in the days of our fathers, we would not have been partners with them in the blood of the prophets!'

For they are

Revelation 11:18
And the nations were angry, and your wrath has come, and the time for the dead to be judged, and to give their reward to your slaves the prophets and to the saints and to the ones who fear your name, the small and the great, and to destroy those who destroy the earth."
Revelation 18:20
Rejoice over her, heaven and the saints and the apostles and the prophets, because God has pronounced your judgment on her!"
Jeremiah 26:11
Then the priests and the prophets said to the officials and to all the people, {saying}, "{This man deserves the death sentence}, because he has prophesied against this city as that [which] you have heard with your ears."
Luke 12:48
But the one who did not know and did [things] deserving blows {will be given a light beating}. And from everyone to whom much has been given, much will be demanded, and from him to whom they entrusted much, they will ask him [for] even more.
Hebrews 10:29
How much worse punishment do you think the person will be considered worthy of who treats with disdain the Son of God and who considers ordinary the blood of the covenant by which he was made holy and who insults the Spirit of grace?

General references

Psalm 78:44
when he turned their rivers to blood so they could not drink [from] their streams.
Psalm 109:17
Because he loved cursing, let it come [upon] him. Because he did not delight in blessing, let it be far from him.
Luke 3:20
added this also to them all: he also locked up John in prison.
2 Thessalonians 1:6
since [it is] righteous in the sight of God to pay back those who are afflicting you with affliction,