Treasury of Scripture Knowledge


And when he had taken the book, the four beasts and four and twenty elders fell down before the Lamb, having every one of them harps, and golden vials full of odours, which are the prayers of saints.

The prayers

Bible References

The four

Revelation 5:14
And the four living creatures continued saying - Amen! And, the elders, fell down and did homage.
Revelation 4:4
And, round about the throne, were four and twenty thrones; and, upon the thrones, four and twenty elders sitting, clothed in white garments, and, upon their heads, were crowns of gold.
Revelation 7:10
and they cry out with a loud voice, saying - Salvation unto our God who sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb!
Revelation 19:4
And the twenty-four elders and the four living creatures, fell down, and did homage unto God, who sitteth upon the throne, saying - Amen! Hallelujah!
John 5:23
That, all, may honour the Son, just as they honour the Father: he that doth not honour the Son, doth not, in fact, honour the Father who sent him.
Romans 14:10
But, thou, why dost thou judge thy brother? Aye! and thou, why dost thou despise thy brother? For, all of us, shall present ourselves unto the judgment seat of God;
Philippians 2:9
Wherefore also, God, uplifted him far on high, and favoured him with the name which is above every name, -
Hebrews 1:6
But, whensoever he again introduceth the first-begotten into the habitable earth, he saith - And let all God's messengers worship him!


Revelation 14:2
And I heard a sound out of heaven, as the sound of many waters, and as the sound of, loud thunders; and, the sound which I heard, was as of harp-singers harping with their harps,
Revelation 15:2
And I saw as a glassy sea mingled with fire, and them who escape victorious from the beast, and from his image, and from the number of his name, standing upon the glassy sea, having harps of God;
Psalm 33:2
Give ye thanks unto Yahweh with the lyre, With a harp of ten strings, make ye music unto him.
Psalm 43:4
That I may go in unto the altar of God, Unto GOD, mine exultant joy, - That I may praise thee with the lyre, O God - mine own God!
Psalm 81:2
Raise a melody, and strike the timbrel, The lyre so sweet, with the harp:
Psalm 150:3
Praise him, with the blast of a horn, Praise him, with the harp and lyre:


Revelation 15:7
And, one of the four living creatures, gave, unto the seven messengers, seven golden bowls, full of the wrath of God who liveth unto the ages of ages.

The prayers

Revelation 8:3
And, another messenger, came, and took his stand at the altar, having a censer of gold: and there was given unto him much incense, that he might give it unto the prayers of all the saints, upon the altar of gold that is before the throne.

General references

Psalm 98:5
Sweep the strings to Yahweh, With the lyre, With the lyre, and the voice of melody;
Psalm 118:3
I pray you! let the house of Aaron, say, For, age-abiding, is his lovingkindness.
Psalm 147:7
Respond to Yahweh with thanksgiving, Make melody to our God with the lyre.
Revelation 11:16
And, the twenty-four elders who, before God, do sit upon their thrones, fell down upon their faces, and rendered homage unto God,