Romans 3:9

What then? Are we Jews in a better position? Not at all, for I have already charged all, both Jews and Gentiles, with being under sin.

Galatians 3:22

but the Scripture has shut up the whole world in prison together under sin, in order that the promise due to faith in Jesus Christ might be given to those who have faith.

Romans 3:19

Now we know that whatever the Law says, it speaks to those who are under the Law; so that every mouth may be shut, and all the world may be brought under the judgment of God.

Luke 7:39

When he noticed this the Pharisee, who had invited him, said to himself, "If this man were really a prophet he would have perceived who and what sort of woman this is who is touching him, and would know that she is a sinner."

Luke 18:9-14

Moreover he spoke this parable to some who trusted in themselves because they were righteous, and looked down upon the rest.

Romans 1:18-29

For God's wrath is ever being revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who smother the truth by their unrighteousness.

Romans 3:5

But if our unrighteousness thus brings out God's righteousness, what shall we say? Is God unrighteous?? speak after the manner of men??hen he inflicts his anger on us?

Romans 3:22-23

I mean a righteousness coming from God through faith in Jesus Christ, for all who believe. For there is no distinction between Jew and Gentile,

Romans 6:15

What then? Shall we commit an act of sin because we are not under law, but under grace? Certainly not.

Romans 11:7

What then? that which Israel has been seeking for, that he has not obtained; but the chosen have obtained it, and the rest have been hardened.

Romans 11:32

For God has locked up all in the prison of disobedience, that upon all he may have mercy.

1 Corinthians 4:7

For who makes you a differ, brother? Or what have you that you did not receive? But if you did receive it, why are you boasting as if you had not received it?

1 Corinthians 10:19

What then shall we say? that an offering to an idol is anything? or that an idol is really anything?

1 Corinthians 14:15

What then? I will pray with my spirit, and I will pray also with my mind. I will praise God with my spirit, but I will praise him with my mind, also.

Galatians 3:10

but a curse rests on those who have their root in the works of the Law; for it is written. Cursed is every one that continues not in all the things written in the Book of the Law, to do them.

Philippians 1:18

What of it? In any case, whether in pretence or in honest truth, Christ is still preached, and in that I am rejoicing, yes, and will rejoice.

Treasury of Scripture Knowledge


What then? are we better than they? No, in no wise: for we have before proved both Jews and Gentiles, that they are all under sin;

That they

Bible References

What then

Romans 3:5
But if our unrighteousness thus brings out God's righteousness, what shall we say? Is God unrighteous?? speak after the manner of men??hen he inflicts his anger on us?
Romans 6:15
What then? Shall we commit an act of sin because we are not under law, but under grace? Certainly not.
Romans 11:7
What then? that which Israel has been seeking for, that he has not obtained; but the chosen have obtained it, and the rest have been hardened.
1 Corinthians 10:19
What then shall we say? that an offering to an idol is anything? or that an idol is really anything?
1 Corinthians 14:15
What then? I will pray with my spirit, and I will pray also with my mind. I will praise God with my spirit, but I will praise him with my mind, also.
Philippians 1:18
What of it? In any case, whether in pretence or in honest truth, Christ is still preached, and in that I am rejoicing, yes, and will rejoice.

Are we

Romans 3:22
I mean a righteousness coming from God through faith in Jesus Christ, for all who believe. For there is no distinction between Jew and Gentile,
Luke 7:39
When he noticed this the Pharisee, who had invited him, said to himself, "If this man were really a prophet he would have perceived who and what sort of woman this is who is touching him, and would know that she is a sinner."
Luke 18:9
Moreover he spoke this parable to some who trusted in themselves because they were righteous, and looked down upon the rest.
1 Corinthians 4:7
For who makes you a differ, brother? Or what have you that you did not receive? But if you did receive it, why are you boasting as if you had not received it?


Romans 1:28
And just as they refused to continue to retain God in their knowledge, so did God cast them out to an outcast mind, to do those things which were indecent.
Romans 2:1
You are therefore inexcusable, O man, whoever you are, that sits in judgment; for in judging another you are condemning yourself. You, the judge, are habitually practising the very same things.

That they

Galatians 3:10
but a curse rests on those who have their root in the works of the Law; for it is written. Cursed is every one that continues not in all the things written in the Book of the Law, to do them.