Romans 8:24

For in [this] hope we were saved [i.e., we received the hope of future blessings]; but if we [already] see what we hope for, it is not [really] hope. For who hopes for what he [already] sees?

1 Thessalonians 5:8

But, since we belong to the daytime [i.e., are enlightened], we should be sober. We should put on the "flack jacket" of faith and love, and for a helmet, the hope of being saved.

Hebrews 11:1

Now, [having] faith is being sure of [receiving] what is hoped for, and certain [of the existence] of what is not visible.

2 Corinthians 4:18

So, we do not look at the things which can be seen, but at what cannot be seen, for the things which can be seen are [only] temporary, but the things which cannot be seen are never ending.

2 Corinthians 5:7

for we live by faith, not by what we see.

Romans 5:2

Through Jesus we have also gained access by [our] faith to this unearned favor [of God]. We stand firm in it, and are glad that we have the hope of being honored by God.

Romans 12:12

Be joyful as you hope [i.e., for future blessings]. Persevere in spite of the troubles you experience. Continue steadfastly in prayer.

Romans 15:4

For whatever things were written previously [i.e., in the Old Testament], were intended for us to learn from, so that we could have hope [i.e., in the face of difficult times] through remaining steadfast, and through the encouragement [received] from reading the Scriptures.

Romans 15:13

May God, [the source] of hope, fill you with complete joy and peace as you believe [in Christ], so that you may have an abundance of hope in the power of the Holy Spirit.

1 Corinthians 13:13

But now [i.e., since the temporary gifts are to pass away], these three things remain: faith, hope and love; and the most important of them is love.

Galatians 5:5

For we are waiting for the hope [to be fulfilled] of being made right with God by [the power of] the Holy Spirit.

Colossians 1:5

[You have these qualities] because of the hope stored up for you in heaven, which [hope] you previously heard about through the message of truth when the Gospel

Colossians 1:23

[This will happen] if you continue in the faith [Note: This means either "continue to observe God's teaching" or, "continue to believe"], firmly grounded and established, and not moved away from the hope offered by the Gospel message, which you have heard and which was preached to people throughout the entire created world under heaven. I, Paul, was made a minister of this Gospel.

Colossians 1:27

He was pleased to make known to these people the wealth of His splendor among the Gentiles; this hidden secret, which is Christ among you, [is] the hope of being honored [i.e., in heaven].

2 Thessalonians 2:16

Now, may our Lord Jesus Christ Himself and God our Father, who has loved us and given us never ending encouragement and good hope through [His] unearned favor,

Titus 2:11-13

For God's unearned favor has appeared, bringing salvation to all people [i.e., in the coming of Christ].

Hebrews 6:18-19

He did this so that by two unchangeable things [i.e., His promise and His oath], (and it is impossible for God to lie), we, who have fled [to God] for refuge, could be greatly encouraged to take hold of the hope set before us [i.e., the hope of never ending life].

1 Peter 1:3

God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, is to be praised for being so merciful as to have given us a new birth, which provides for us a hope of never ending life through the means of Jesus Christ's return from the dead.

1 Peter 1:10-11

The prophets [of old], who spoke of this salvation, asked about and searched diligently concerning the unearned favor [God provided] for you people.

1 Peter 1:21

[It is] through Christ, whom God raised from the dead and honored, that you people have become believers in God, so that your faith and hope could rest in God.

1 John 3:3

And every person who has set his hope on this [i.e., of being like Jesus], will live [as] purely [as possible], just as He [i.e., Jesus Himself] is pure.

Treasury of Scripture Knowledge


For we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for?

General references

Bible References


Romans 5:2
Through Jesus we have also gained access by [our] faith to this unearned favor [of God]. We stand firm in it, and are glad that we have the hope of being honored by God.
Romans 12:12
Be joyful as you hope [i.e., for future blessings]. Persevere in spite of the troubles you experience. Continue steadfastly in prayer.
Romans 15:4
For whatever things were written previously [i.e., in the Old Testament], were intended for us to learn from, so that we could have hope [i.e., in the face of difficult times] through remaining steadfast, and through the encouragement [received] from reading the Scriptures.
1 Corinthians 13:13
But now [i.e., since the temporary gifts are to pass away], these three things remain: faith, hope and love; and the most important of them is love.
Galatians 5:5
For we are waiting for the hope [to be fulfilled] of being made right with God by [the power of] the Holy Spirit.
Colossians 1:5
[You have these qualities] because of the hope stored up for you in heaven, which [hope] you previously heard about through the message of truth when the Gospel
1 Thessalonians 5:8
But, since we belong to the daytime [i.e., are enlightened], we should be sober. We should put on the "flack jacket" of faith and love, and for a helmet, the hope of being saved.
2 Thessalonians 2:16
Now, may our Lord Jesus Christ Himself and God our Father, who has loved us and given us never ending encouragement and good hope through [His] unearned favor,
Titus 2:11
For God's unearned favor has appeared, bringing salvation to all people [i.e., in the coming of Christ].
Hebrews 6:18
He did this so that by two unchangeable things [i.e., His promise and His oath], (and it is impossible for God to lie), we, who have fled [to God] for refuge, could be greatly encouraged to take hold of the hope set before us [i.e., the hope of never ending life].
1 Peter 1:3
God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, is to be praised for being so merciful as to have given us a new birth, which provides for us a hope of never ending life through the means of Jesus Christ's return from the dead.
1 John 3:3
And every person who has set his hope on this [i.e., of being like Jesus], will live [as] purely [as possible], just as He [i.e., Jesus Himself] is pure.

But hope

2 Corinthians 4:18
So, we do not look at the things which can be seen, but at what cannot be seen, for the things which can be seen are [only] temporary, but the things which cannot be seen are never ending.
2 Corinthians 5:7
for we live by faith, not by what we see.
Hebrews 11:1
Now, [having] faith is being sure of [receiving] what is hoped for, and certain [of the existence] of what is not visible.
1 Peter 1:10
The prophets [of old], who spoke of this salvation, asked about and searched diligently concerning the unearned favor [God provided] for you people.

General references

2 Corinthians 5:7
for we live by faith, not by what we see.