6 occurrences

'Know the Lord' in the Bible

Moreover, Egypt shall be brought unto the LORD, and the Egyptians also shall know the LORD at the same time: they shall do him reverence with peace offerings, and with meat offerings: they shall promise him offerings, yea, and pay him also.

And from thenceforth shall no man teach his neighbour or his brother, and say, 'Know the LORD.' But they shall all know me, from the lowest unto the highest, sayeth the LORD. For I will forgive their misdeeds, and will never remember their sins anymore.

Then shall we have understanding, and endeavor ourselves to know the LORD. He shall go forth as the spring of the day, and come unto us as the evening and morning rain upon the earth."

And they shall not teach, every man his neighbor, and every man his brother, saying, 'know the Lord': For they shall know me, from the least to the most of them.