1 Corinthians 11:1-16 - Concerning Head Coverings In Worship

1 Become imitators of me, - even as, I also, am of Christ.

2 Now I praise you, that, in all things, ye have me in remembrance, and, even as I delivered unto you the instructions, ye hold them fast. 3 But I wish you to know - that, the head of every man, is, the Christ, and, the head of a woman, is, the man; and, the head of the Christ, is, God. 4 Every man, praying, or prophesying, having anything upon his head, putteth to shame his head; 5 But, every woman, praying, or prophesying, with her head, unveiled, putteth to shame her head, - for it is, one and the same, with her having been shaven. 6 For, if a woman doth not veil herself, let her also be shorn; but, if it were a shame in a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her be veiled.

7 For, a man, indeed, ought not to be veiling his head, being, the image and glory of God, - but, the woman, is the glory of man; 8 For, man, is not, of woman, but, woman, of man; 9 For also man was not created, for the sake of the woman, but woman, for the sake of the man. 10 For this cause, ought the woman to have, permission, upon her head, because of the messengers. 11 Howbeit, neither is woman apart from man, nor man apart from woman - in the Lord; 12 For, just as the woman is of the man, so, also the man, is through means of the woman; - but, all things, are of God.

13 Among your own selves, judge ye, - Is it becoming for a woman, - unveiled, to be praying unto God? 14 Doth not, even nature herself, teach you - that, if, a man, have long hair, it is a dishonour to him; 15 But, if, a woman, have long hair, it is a glory to her, for, her long hair, instead of a veil, hath been given to her. 16 But, if anyone thinketh to be contentious, we, have no such custom, - nor yet the assemblies of God.