Luke 24:35-49 - Jesus Appears To The Disciples

Luke 24:35-49

35 And they reported the things on the road, and how he was made known to them during the breaking of the bread.

36 And as they spoke these things, Jesus himself stood in the midst of them, and says to them, Peace to you. 37 But having seen startled, and having become frightened, they presumed to see a spirit. 38 And he said to them, Why are ye troubled, and why do thoughts arise in your hearts? 39 See my hands and my feet, that it is I myself. Handle me and see, because a spirit does not have flesh and bones, as ye see me having. 40 And having said this, he displayed to them his hands and feet. 41 And while they still disbelieved from joy and wondering, he said to them, Have ye anything to eat here? 42 And they gave him a piece of a broiled fish and from a bees honeycomb. 43 And having taken it, he ate before them.

44 And he said to them, These are the words that I spoke to you while still being with you, that it is necessary for all things that are written in the law of Moses, and the prophets, and the psalms about me to be fulfulled. 45 Then he opened their mind to understand the scriptures. 46 And he said to them, Thus it is written, and thus it was necessary for the Christ to suffer, and to rise from the dead the third day, 47 and to proclaim in his name repentance and remission of sins for all the nations, having begun from Jerusalem. 48 And ye are witnesses of these things. 49 And behold, I send forth the promise of my Father upon you. But stay ye in the city until ye are clothed with power from on high.

John 20:19-23

19 Therefore being evening that day, the first day of the week, and the doors having been shut where the disciples were who assembled because of fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood in the midst, and says to them, Peace to you.

20 And having said this, he showed them his hands and side. His disciples therefore rejoiced when they saw the Lord.

21 Jesus therefore said to them again, Peace to you. As the Father has sent me, I also send you. 22 And after saying this, he breathed on them, and says to them, Receive ye Holy Spirit. 23 If ye forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them. If ye retain of any, they are retained.