Acts 15:36-41 - Paul And Barnabas Disagree And Part Company

36 Some time after this, Paul said to Barnabas: "Let us go back and visit the Brethren in every town in which we have told the Lord's Message, and see how they are prospering." 37 Barnabas wished to take with them John, whose other name was Mark; 38 But Paul felt that they ought not to take with them the man who had deserted them in Pamphylia, and had not gone on with them to their work. 39 This caused such unpleasant feeling between them that they parted, Barnabas taking Mark and sailing for Cyprus, 40 While Paul chose Silas for his companion and, after he had been committed by the Brethren to the gracious care of the Lord, 41 Started on his journey and went through Syria and Cilicia, strengthening the Churches in the faith.