Acts 16:16-24 - Paul And Silas Imprisoned

16 One day, as we were on our way to the Place of Prayer, we were met by a girl possessed by a divining spirit, who made large profits for her masters by fortune-telling. 17 This girl followed Paul and the rest of us, calling: "These men are servants of the most high God, and they are bringing you news of a way to Salvation." 18 She had been doing this for several days, when Paul, much vexed, turned and said to the spirit within her: "In the Name of Jesus Christ I command you to leave her." That very moment the spirit left her.

19 When her masters saw that there was no hope of further profit from her, they seized Paul and Silas, dragged them into the public square to the authorities, 20 And took them before the Magistrates. "These men are causing a great disturbance in our town," they complained; 21 "They are Jews, and they are teaching customs which it is not right for us, as Romans, to sanction or adopt."

22 On this the mob rose as one man against them, and the Magistrates stripped them of their clothing and ordered them to be beaten with rods. 23 After beating them severely, the Magistrates put them in prison, with orders to the Governor of the Jail to keep them in safe custody. 24 On receiving so strict an order, the Governor put them into the inner cell, and secured their feet in the stocks.