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The angel of the LORD said to her, "I will greatly multiply your seed, that they will not be numbered for multitude."

"As for me, behold, my covenant is with you. You will be the father of a multitude of nations.

Neither will your name any more be called Abram, but your name will be Abraham; for I have made you the father of a multitude of nations.

For it was little which you had before I came, and it has increased to a multitude. The LORD has blessed you wherever I turned. Now when will I provide for my own house also?"

the angel who has redeemed me from all evil, bless the lads, and let my name be named on them, and the name of my fathers Abraham and Isaac. Let them grow into a multitude in the midst of the earth."

His father refused, and said, "I know, my son, I know. He also will become a people, and he also will be great. However, his younger brother will be greater than he, and his seed will become a multitude of nations."