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Wisdom will cry without; in the broad places she will give her voice:

For if thou will call to understanding, wilt give thy voice to understanding

Thou shalt not say to thy neighbor, Go, and turn back, and to-morrow I will give; and there is with thee.

She will give to thy head a garland of grace: a crown of glory she will deliver thee.

Lest thou shalt give thy strength to others, and thy years to the cruel:

Thou shalt not give sleep to thine eyes, and slumber to thine eyelashes.

And being found he shall recompense seven fold; he shall give all the substance of his house.

Shall not wisdom call, and understanding give her voice?

He pinching the eye shall give pain: and the foolish of lips shall fall.

The fear of the unjust one it shall come to him: and the desire of the just shall be given.

The unjust one desired the net of the evil: and the root of the just will give.

Good understanding shall give grace: and the way of the transgressing is perpetuity.

He longed a longing all the day: and the just one shall give and not keep back.

Thou shalt not look upon wine when it shall be red, when it shall give its eye in the cup, it will go about in uprightnesses.

To the leech two daughters: Give, give. Behold, three shall not satisfied; four shall not say, Wealth:

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