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Is there a word will be said, See, this is new? This was already to a long time which was before us.

I Said in my heart, Go now, I will prove thee with gladness, and look thou upon good: and behold, this also vanity.

And I said in my heart, As the event of the foolish one, also I, it will meet me; and wherefore then was I more wise? And I spake in my heart, This is also vanity.

I said in my heart, The just one and the unjust one, God will judge: for a time for every inclination and for every work there.

I said in my heart concerning the speeches of the sons of man, for God to separate them, and for them to see that they are cattle to themselves.

All this I proved by wisdom: I said I will be wise, and it was removed far off from me.

See, this I found, said the preacher: one to one to find understanding

There is vanity which was done upon the earth; that there is the just which it comes upon them according to the work of the unjust: and there is the unjust, it comes upon them according to the work of the just. I said, Also this is vanity.

And I said, Wisdom is good above strength: and the wisdom of the poor one was despised, and his words not heard.

And also as the foolish one went in the way, his heart was wanting, and he said to all, It is folly.