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Then said Daniel, unto the overseer whom the ruler of the eunuchs had appointed over Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah:

and, wheresoever the sons of men do dwell, the wild beasts of the field and the birds of the heavens, hath he given into thy hand, and hath made thee ruler over them all. Thou, art the head of gold.

Then, the king, exalted, Daniel, and, many large presents, gave he unto him, and set him to be ruler over all the province of Babylon, - and chief of the nobles, over all the wise men of Babylon.

And, Daniel, desired of the king, and he appointed - over the business of the province of Babylon - Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego, - but, Daniel himself, was in the gate of the king.

There are certain Jews whom thou hast set over the business of the province of Babylon, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego, - these men, have made thee, O king, of no account, thy god, they serve not, and, the image of gold which thou hast set up, do they not adore.

And - being gathered together - the satraps, the nobles, and the pashas and near friends of the king, saw these men, over whose bodies the fire had, no power, nor was, a hair of their head, singed, neither were, their trousers, disfigured, - nor had, the smell of fire, come upon them.

Let, its heart, from a man's, be changed, and, the heart of a wild beast, be given to it, - and let seven seasons pass over it.

By the decree of the watchers, is the thing, and by the mandate of the holy ones, the matter: to the intent that the living, may get to know, that the Most High, hath dominion, over the kingdom of men, and, to whomsoever he pleaseth, he giveth it, and, one low among men, he setteth up over it.

And, whereas the king saw a watcher and holy one coming down out of the heavens, who said, Hew ye down the tree and despoil it, nevertheless, the stock of its roots - in the earth, leave ye, even in a bond of iron and bronze, in the tender grass of the field, - and, with the dew of the heavens, let it he drenched, and, along with the wild beasts of the field, be its portion, until that, seven seasons, pass over it.

That, thee, are they going to drive forth from among men, and, along with the wild beasts of the field, shall be thy dwelling, and, grass - like oxen, will they suffer, thee, to eat, and, with the dew of the heavens, will they suffer, thee, to be drenched, and, seven seasons, shall pass over thee, - until that thou come to know, that the Most High, hath dominion, over the kingdom of men, and, to whomsoever he pleaesth, he giveth it.

At the end of twelve months, over the palace of the kingdom of Babylon, was he walking:

And, from among men, are they going to drive, thee, forth, and, with the wild beast of the field, shall be thy dwelling, grass - like oxen, will they suffer, thee, to eat, and, seven seasons, shall pass over thee, - until that thou come to know that the Most High, hath dominion, over the kingdom of men, and, to whomsoever he pleaseth, he giveth it.

At the same time, mine understanding, returned unto me, and, for the dignity of my kingdom, my majesty and my brightness, returned unto me, and, unto me, my nearest friends and my nobles, did seek, - and, over my kingdom, was I restored, and, surpassing greatness, was added unto me.

Immediately, came forth the fingers of the hand of a man, and wrote,, over against the chandelier, upon the plaster of the wall of the palace of the king, - and, the king, saw the part of the hand which was writing,

And, from among the sons of men, was he driven, and, his heart, to a wild beast's, became equal, and, with the wild asses, was his dwelling, and, grass - like oxen, they suffered him to eat, and, with the dew of the heavens, his body, was drenched - until that he came to know that the Most High God, hath dominion, over the kingdom of men, and, whomsoever he pleaseth, he setteth up over it.

Then Belshazzar, gave word, that they should clothe Daniel with purple, and put a chain of gold upon his neck, - and should make a proclamation concerning him, that he should be the third ruler over the kingdom.

It was pleasing before Darius, that he should set up over the kingdom, a hundred and twenty satraps, - that they should be over all the kingdom;

and, over these, three confidential ministers, of whom, Daniel, was first, - that, to them, these satraps should render an account, and, the king, not be suffering loss.

Then, this Daniel, signalised himself, above the ministers and the satraps, because, a distinguished spirit, was in him, and, the king, thought to set him up over all the kingdom,

Now, I, was observing, when lo! a he-goat, coming in out of the west, over the face of all the earth, but it meddled not with the earth, - and, the goat, had a conspicuous horn between his eyes.

and, a host, was set over the continual ascending-sacrifice , by transgression, - and faithfulness, was cast down, to the ground, and so he acted with effect, and succeeded.

Then heard I a certain holy one, speaking, - and another holy one said to that certain holy one who was speaking - How long is the vision of the continual ascending-sacrifice as taken away, and the transgression which astoundeth, for both sanctuary and host to be given over to be trampled underfoot?

In the first year of Darius son of Ahasuerus, of the seed of the Medes, - who was made king over the kingdom of the Chaldeans:

Seventy weeks, have been divided concerning thy people and concerning thy holy city - to put an end to the transgression, and fill up the measure of sin, and put a propitiatory-covering over iniquity, and bring in the righteousness of ages, and affix a seal the vision and prophecy, and anoint the holy of holies.

And he will prepare, for the strongholds of the fortress of the sea, the people of an alien god, whom he will acknowledge - will greatly honour, - and will give them authority over the many, and, the soil, will he apportion for a price.

And, in the time of the end, will the king of the south, push at him, and the king of the north, will rush against him, with chariots and with horsemen, and with many ships, - and he will enter the lands, and overwhelm and pass over;

and he will have authority over the treasures of gold and silver, and over all the delightful things of Egypt, - with Libyans and Ethiopians among his followers;