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and saith to him - If thou art God's, Son, cast thyself down, - for it is written, To his messengers, will he give charge concerning thee; and, on hands, will they bear thee up, lest once thou strike, against a stone, thy foot.

and said to him, All these things, will I give thee, - if thou wilt fall down and worship me.

It was said, moreover, Whosoever shall divorce his wife, let him give her a writing of divorcement;

Do not give what is holy unto dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, - lest once they trample, them, down with their feet, and, turning, tear, you.

Or what man, from among yourselves, whom his son shall ask for a loaf, - a stone, will give him?

Or, a fish also, shall ask, - a serpent, will give him?

Now the multitudes, seeing, were struck with fear, and glorified the God who had given authority, such as this, unto men.

And, whosoever shall give to drink - unto one of these little ones - a cup of cold water only, in the name of a disciple, Verily, I say unto you, in nowise, shall lose his reward!

But, he, answering, said unto them, A wicked and adulterous generation, a sign, doth seek, and, a sign, will not be, given, it, save the sign of Jonah the prophet.

And, he, answering, said, Because, unto you, hath it been given, to get to know the sacred secrets of the kingdom of the heavens, - whereas, unto them, hath it not been given.

For, whosoever hath, it shall be given, to him, and he shall be made to abound, - but, whoever hath not, even what he hath, shall be taken from him?

wherefore, with an oath, he promised to give her, whatsoever she should ask for herself;

and, she, being led on by her mother, - Give me (saith she) here, upon a charger, the head of John the Immerser.

And the king, though grieved, yet, because of the oaths and the guests, ordered it to be given;

And his head was brought upon a charger, and given unto the maiden, and she brought it to her mother.

But, Jesus, said unto them, No need, have they to go away, - give, ye, them to eat.

A wicked and adulterous generation, a sign, doth seek after, and, a sign, will not be given it, - save the sign of Jonah. And, leaving them behind, he departed.

I will give thee, the keys of the kingdom of the heavens, - and, whatsoever thou shalt bind upon the earth, shall be bound in the heavens, and, whatsoever thou shalt loose upon the earth, shall be loosed in the heavens.

But, that we may not cause them to stumble, go unto the sea, and cast in a hook, and, the first fish that cometh up, take, and, opening its mouth, thou shalt find a shekel, - that, take, and give to them for me and thee.

They say unto him - Why then did, Moses, command, to give a writing of repudiation and to divorce?

But, he, said unto them - Not all, find room for he word, save they to whom it hath been given;

and, to them, he said - ye also, go your way into the vineyard, and, whatsoever may be right, I will give you;

Take thine own, and go thy way; but I please, unto this last, to give, as also to thee:

He saith unto them - My cup, indeed, ye shall drink; but, to sit on my right hand and on my left, is not mine to give, - except unto those for whom it hath been prepared by my Father.

Wherefore I say unto you, The kingdom of God, will be taken away from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof:

Tell us then, how, to thee, it seemeth? Is it allowable to give tax unto Caesar, or not?

For, as they were in those days that were before the flood, feeding and drinking, marrying and being given in marriage, - until the day Noah entered into the ark;

Who then is the faithful and prudent servant, whom the master hath appointed over his household, to give them food in season?

And, the foolish, unto the prudent, said - Give us of your oil, because, our torches, are going out.

Therefore take away, from him, the talent, and give unto him that hath the ten talents;

For, to every one that hath, shall be given, and he shall be made to abound; but, from him that hath not, even what he hath, shall be taken away from him:

For this could have been sold for much, and given to the destitute.

and said - What are ye willing to give unto me? and, I, unto you, will deliver him up. And they appointed him thirty pieces of silver.

The same, going unto Pilate, claimed the body of Jesus. Then, Pilate commanded it to be given up.

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