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How can you say to your brother, 'Let me get that tiny speck out of your eye,' while all the time there is a girder in your own?

The pupil should be satisfied to become like his teacher, and the slave should be satisfied to become like his master. If men have called the Head of the house Beelzebub, how much worse names will they heap upon the members of His family!

How he went into the house of God, and they ate the sacred loaves, which it was against the law for him or his soldiers to eat, or for anyone except the priests?

Now if Satan is driving out Satan, he has become disunited; how then can his kingdom last?

Or, how can anyone get into a giant's house and carry off his goods, unless he first binds the giant? After that he can make a clean sweep of his house.

You brood of vipers! How can you, wicked as you are, say anything that is good? For the mouth talks about the things that fill the heart.

Then Jesus asked them, "How many loaves have you on hand?" They answered, "Seven and a few small fish."

Do you not understand yet? Do you not remember the five loaves for the five thousand and how many basketfuls you took up?

Nor the seven loaves for the four thousand and how many hamper-basketfuls you took up?

How is it that you do not understand that I did not speak to you about bread, when I said, keep on guarding yourselves against the yeast of the Pharisees and the Sadducees?"

When the disciples saw it, they were dumbfounded, and asked, "How is it that the fig tree withered up all at once?"

So he said to him, 'My friend, how is it that you came in here without a wedding suit on?' But his lips were sealed.

He asked them, "How then does David, under the guidance of the Spirit, call Him Lord, when he says:

How then could the Scriptures be fulfilled, for they say this is the way it must be?"

And Peter followed Him at a distance as far as the courtyard of the high priest's home; he even went inside and was sitting among the attendants to see how it would end.

Then Pilate said to Him, "Do you not hear how strong is the evidence they are bringing against you?"