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But [when he] saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming to his baptism, he said to them, "Offspring of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the coming wrath?

"But [when you] pray, do not babble repetitiously like the pagans, for they think that because of their many words they will be heard.

"Enter through the narrow gate, because broad [is] the gate and spacious [is] the road that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it,

On that day many will say to me, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and expel demons in your name, and perform many miracles in your name?'

Now [when it] was evening, they brought to him many who were demon-possessed, and he expelled the spirits with a word. And he healed all {those who were sick},

Now [when] Jesus saw many crowds around him, he gave orders to depart to the other side.

And it happened [as] he {was dining} in the house, behold, many tax collectors and sinners were coming [and] {dining} with Jesus and his disciples.

Now Jesus, [when he] learned of [it], withdrew from there, and many followed him, and he healed them all.

And he spoke many [things] to them in parables, saying, "Behold, the sower went out to sow,

For truly I say to you that many prophets and righteous [people] longed to see what you see, and did not see [it], and to hear what you hear, and did not hear [it]!

But the boat was already many stadia distant from the land, being beaten by the waves, because the wind was against [it].

And large crowds came to him, having with them [the] mute, blind, lame, crippled, and many others, and they put them down at his feet, and he healed them.

And Jesus said to them, "How many loaves do you have?" So they said, "Seven, and a few little fish."

Do you not yet understand or do you not remember the five loaves for the five thousand, and how many baskets you took up?

Or the seven loaves for the four thousand and how many baskets you took up?

Therefore, go out to the [places where] the roads exit the city and invite to the wedding celebration as many [people] as you find.'

And they did not find [it], [although] many false witnesses came forward. And finally two came forward

Then Pilate said to him, "Do you not hear how many [things] they are testifying against you?"

And there were many women there, observing from a distance, who had followed Jesus from Galilee, serving him,