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Being warned in a dream that they should not return to Herod, they went back to their own country another way.

And if your right eye causes you to stumble, pluck it out and throw it away from you.[note: idiom meaning to stop doing a sin] For it is more profitable for you that one of your members should perish, than for your whole body to be cast into hell.

And if your right hand causes you to stumble, cut it off, and throw it away from you.[note: idiom meaning to stop doing a sin] For it is more profitable for you that one of your members should perish, than for your whole body to be cast into hell.

and said to him, "Are you the One who is to come, or should we look for another?"

and commanded them that they should not make him known:

for this people's heart has grown callous, and their ears are dull of hearing, and they have closed their eyes; or else perhaps they might perceive with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their heart, and should turn again; and I would heal them.'

Whereupon he promised with an oath to give her whatever she should ask.

Then the disciples said to him, "Where should we get so many loaves in a deserted place as to satisfy so great a crowd?"

Then he commanded the disciples that they should tell no one that he is the Messiah.

He would not, but went and cast him into prison, until he should pay back that which was due.

Should not you also have had mercy on your fellow servant, even as I had mercy on you?'

His lord was angry, and delivered him to the tormentors, until he should pay all that was due.

Then little children were brought to him, that he should lay his hands on them and pray; and the disciples rebuked them.

The crowd rebuked them, telling them that they should be quiet, but they shouted even more, "Lord, have mercy on us, son of David."

But if that evil servant should say in his heart, 'My lord is delayed,'

You ought therefore to have deposited my money with the bankers, and at my coming I should have received back my own with interest.

and said, "What are you willing to give me, that I should deliver him to you?" They weighed out for him thirty pieces of silver.

Then Jesus said to them, "Do not be afraid. Go tell my brothers that they should go into Galilee, and there they will see me."