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When the Sabbath came, He began to teach in the synagogue. And the people were dumbfounded when they heard Him, and said, "Where did He get all these things? What sort of wisdom is it that has been given Him? And such mighty deeds are done by Him!

King Herod heard of Him, for His name was now on everybody's lips, and people were saying that John the Baptist had risen from the dead, and that this was why such mighty powers were working in Him.

Jesus said, "Do not try to stop him, for there is no one who will use my name to do a mighty deed, and then be able soon to abuse me.

If your hand makes you do wrong, cut it off. You might better go into life maimed than keep both your hands and go down to the pit, to the fire that is never put out.

And if your foot makes you do wrong, cut it off. You might better go into life crippled than keep both your feet and be thrown into the pit.

And if your eye makes you do wrong, tear it out. You might better go into the kingdom of God with only one eye than keep both your eyes and be thrown into the pit,

Now in the distance He saw a fig tree covered with leaves, and He went up to it to see if He might find some figs on it, but when He got to it, He found nothing but leaves, for it was not the time for figs.

for they kept saying, "It must not be at the feast, for there might be a riot."

It might have been sold for more than sixty dollars, and the money have been given to the poor." So they kept on grumbling at her.

Then He walked on a few steps and threw Himself upon the ground and kept praying that if it were possible He might escape the hour of agony,