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And Jesus, answering, said to him - It is said: Thou shalt not put to the test the Lord thy God.

And, entering into one of the boats, which was Simon's, he requested him, to put off from the land, a little; and, taking a seat, out of the boat, began he teaching the multitudes.

And, when he ceased speaking, he said unto Simon - Put off into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught.

And, when he went forth upon the land, there met him a certain man, out of the city, having demons; and, for a considerable time, he had put on no garment, and, in a house, would not abide, but among the tombs.

And I say unto you, my friends - Do not be put in fear of them who kill the body, and, after these things, have nothing more uncommon which they can do.

And he said unto his disciples - For this cause, I say unto you, - Be not anxious for the life, what ye shall eat, nor yet for yourbody, what ye shall put on;

And, as he was saying, these, things, all who had been setting themselves against him were being put to shame; and, all the multitude, were rejoicing over all the glorious things which were being brought to pass by him.

But the father said unto his servants - Quick! bring forth a robe - the best! and put on him, and get out a ring for his hand, and sandals for his feet.

And the Lord turned, and looked at Peter; and Peter was put in mind of the declaration of the Lord, how he had said to him - Before, a cock, crow this day, thou wilt deny me thrice!

And, if I should put questions, in nowise would ye answer;