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Then the Jews surrounded Him, and said to Him, How long do you take away our soul?

And Jesus responded to them, Is it not written in your law, that I said, Ye are gods?

and many came to Hint, and said, that John indeed did no miracle; but all things so many as John spoke concerning this One are true.

The disciples said to Him, Master, the Jews were but now seeking to stone thee; dost thou go hither again?

Then the disciples said to Him, Lord, if he is asleep, he will be saved.

Then Thomas, called Didymus, said to his fellow-disciples; Let us go too, that we may die with Him.

Then Martha said to Jesus, Lord, if thou hadst been here, my brother had not died.

And having said this, she departed, and called her sister Mary, speaking secretly, The Teacher is present, and calls you.

and said, Where have you laid him? They say to Him, Lord, come and see.

And some of them said, Was not this One, having opened the eyes of the blind, able to bring it to pass, that he indeed should not die?

Then they took away the stone; and Jesus lifted up His eyes, and said, Father, I thank thee, because Thou hast heard Me.

But one of them, Caiaphas, being high priest that year, said to them,

Then Jesus said, Let her alone; she hath reserved this unto the day of my burial;

Then the Pharisees said to one another, You see, that you are prevailing as to nothing: behold, the world has gone away after Him.

Then the multitudes standing, hearing, said, That it was thunder; others said, An angel has spoken to Him.

Jesus responded and said, This voice was not on account of me, but on account of you.

Then Jesus said to them, Yet a little while the light is with you. Walk about as you have the light, in order that the darkness may not overtake you: and he that walketh about in darkness does not know where he is going.

Wherefore were they not able to believe, because Isaiah again said,

Then when He washed their feet, and took His garments, and sat down again, He said to them, Do you understand what I have done to you?

Jesus saying these things, was troubled in spirit, and testified, and said; Truly, truly, I say unto you, that one of you shall betray me.

And no one of those sitting with Him knew what He said to him:

Children, I am still with you. You shall seek me, and as I said to the Jews, Whither I go, you are not able to come; and now I say to you.

But I have spoken these things to you, that when the hour may come, you may remember them, that I did say them to you. But I said not these things to you from the beginning, because I was with you.

Jesus knew that they wished to ask Him, and said to them, You are seeking with one another concerning this, because I said, A little while, and you see me no more, and again a little while, and you shall see me?

Jesus spoke these words; and lifting up His eyes to heaven, said, Father, the hour has come; glorify thy Son, in order that the Son may glorify thee:

Then He again asked them, Whom do you seek? And they said, Jesus the Nazarene.

And Jesus said to him, I have spoken openly to the world. I always taught in the synagogue, and in the temple, where all the Jews come together; and I spoke nothing in secret.

Why do you ask me? ask those who have heard, what I said to them: behold, they know what I said.

And Simon Peter was standing and warming: and they said to him, Art thou not one of His disciples? He denied, and said, I am not.

They responded and said to him, If He were not an evil doer, we would not deliver Him to you.

Then Pilate said to them. You take Him, and judge Him according to your law. Then the Jews said to him, It is not lawful for us to kill any one.

Then Pilate came again into the judgment hall, and asked Jesus, and said to Him, Art thou the King of the Jews?

Then Pilate said to Him, Then, art thou not a king? Jesus responded, Thou says that I am king. Unto this I was born, and unto this I have come into the world, in order that I may bear witness to the truth. Every one being of the truth hears my voice.

Then the chief priests of the Jews said to Pilate, Write not, King of the Jews; but that He said, I am the King of the Jews.

Then they said to one another, Let us not tear it, but let us gamble for it, whose it shall be. In order that the Scripture may be fulfilled, saying, They divided my garments among themselves, and upon my vesture they cast the lot. Then indeed the soldiers did these things.

Then the other disciples said to him, We have seen the Lord. And he said to them, Unless I may see the print of the nails in His hand, and thrust my finger into the place of the nails, and thrust my hand into His side, I will not believe.

And after eight days His disciples were again within, and Thomas was with them. Jesus comes, the doors being shut, and stood in the midst, and said, Peace be unto you.

Then that disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter, He is the Lord. Then Simon Peter hearing that He is the Lord, girded on his fishing-cloak (for he was unclothed), and cast Himself into the sea:

Jesus said to them, Take from the fishes which you now caught.

He says to him a third time; Simon, the son of Jonah, do you love me as a friend? Peter was grieved, because He said to him the third time, Do you love me as a friend? And he says to Him, Lord, thou knowest all things; and thou dost understand that I love thee as a friend. He says to Him, Feed my sheeplings.

And Peter turning sees the disciple, whom Jesus loved, following; who also leaned upon His breast in the supper, and said; Lord, who is the one having betrayed thee?