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"Our forefathers worshiped in this mountain, yet you Jews say that in Jerusalem is the place where one must worship."

So the disciples began to say to one another, "Can any one have brought him something to eat?"

Do you not say, 'It wants yet four months, and then comes the harvest'? Look, I tell you! Lift up your eyes and behold the fields, that they are already white for harvest.

"Is not this Jesus, the son of Joseph? Do we not know his father and mother? How is it that he now says, 'I have come down from heaven'?"

and there was much disputing about him among the crowd. Some would say, "He is a good man." Others. "No! he is misleading the people." "While I was with them I kept them by the power of thy name which thou hast given me. I guarded them, and none of them was lost except the son of perdition, that the Scripture might be fulfilled.

But many of the crowd believed on him and began to say, "The Christ, when he comes, will he do more signs than this man has done?"

Some of the crowd who had been listening to these discourses began to say, "Without a doubt this man is a Prophet."

"Does not the Scripture say that the Christ is coming of the descendants of David, and from Bethlehem, David's town?"

Then the Jews said: "He will not kill himself, will he? Is that why he says, 'Where I am going you cannot come'?"

"I have many things to say and to judge concerning you. But he who sent me is true, and I speak to the world only those things which I have heard from him."

"Now we know that you have a demon," exclaimed the Jews. Abraham died, and so did the prophets; and yet you say, 'If any man obeys my teaching he shall never taste death.'

"You are not acquainted with him; I know him. Were I to say, 'I do not know him,' I should be like you, a liar. But I do know him, and I obey his teaching.

So there was a difference of opinion among them. Accordingly they said to the blind man, "What have you to say about him, now that he has opened your eyes?" "He is a prophet," he answered.

and questioned them. "Is this your son," they said, "who you say was born blind? How then does he now see?"

now he did not say this of his own accord; but as high priest that year he prophesied that Jesus was about to die in behalf of the nation,

"Do you understand what I have been doing to you? You call me 'Teacher' and 'Master', and you say well, for such I am.

"My little children, I am only to be with you a little longer. You will seek me; just as I said to the Jews, 'Where I go you cannot come,' so now I say to you.

Jesus answered, "Are you saying this of your own accord, or did others say it to you about me?"

"You are a king, then? You!" said Pilate. "You say truly that I am a king." answered Jesus, "for this purpose I was born, and to this end came I into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth. Every man who is of the truth listens to my voice."

And again another Scripture says, They shall look on him whom they have pierced.

"Mary," said Jesus. She turned to him. "Rabboni!" she cried in Hebrew. That is to say, "Teacher."

Accordingly the report spread among the brothers that this disciple should not die; but Jesus did not say that he was not to die, but said, "If I choose that he remain until I come, what is that to you?"