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So, when the Apostles had met together, they asked Jesus this question--"Master, is this the time when you intend to re-establish the Kingdom for Israel?"

While they were still gazing up into the heavens, as he went, suddenly two men, clothed in white, stood beside them,

When they reached Jerusalem, they went to the upstairs room, where they were staying. There were there Peter, John, James, and Andrew, Philip and Thomas, Bartholomew and Matthew, James the son of Alphaeus, Simon the Zealot, and Judas the son of James.

So they put forward two men, Joseph called Barsabas, whose other name was Justus, and Matthias;

And they offered this prayer--"O Lord, who reads all hearts, show which of these two men you have chosen

Then they drew lots between them; and, the lot having fallen on Matthias, he was added to the number of the eleven Apostles.

When suddenly there came from the heavens a noise like that of a strong wind rushing by; it filled the whole house in which they were sitting.

They were utterly amazed, and kept asking in astonishment: "What! Are not all these men who are speaking Galileans?

They were all utterly amazed and bewildered. "What does it mean?" they asked one another.

Yes, even on the slaves--for they are mine--both men and women, I will in those days pour out my Spirit,

Till I put your enemies as a footstool under they feet."'

Every day they devoted themselves to meeting together in the Temple Courts, and to the Breaking of Bread at their homes, while they partook of their food in simple-hearted gladness, praising God, and winning the good-will of all the people.

And, when they recognized him as the man who used to sit begging at the Beautiful Gate of the Temple, they were utterly astonished and amazed at what had happened to him.

Much annoyed because they were teaching the people, and because, through Jesus, they were preaching the resurrection from the dead.

They arrested the Apostles and, as it was already evening, had them placed in custody till the next day.

They had Peter and John brought before them, and questioned them. "By what power," they asked, "Or in whose name have men like you done this thing?"

But, when they looked at the man who had been healed, standing there with them, they had nothing to say.

So they ordered them out of court, and then began consulting together.

"What are we to do to these men?" they asked one another. "That a remarkable sign has been given through them is obvious to every one living in Jerusalem, and we cannot deny it.

So they called the Apostles in, and ordered them not to speak or teach in the Name of Jesus.

However, after further warnings, the Council set them at liberty, not seeing any safe way of punishing them, because of the people, for they were all praising God for what had occurred;

After they had been set at liberty, the Apostles went to their friends and told them what the Chief Priests and the Councillors had said to them.

Instantly Sapphira fell down at Peter's feet and expired. On coming in, the young men found her dead; so they carried her out and buried her by her husband's side.

Besides this, the inhabitants of the towns round Jerusalem flocked into the city, bringing with them their sick and those who were troubled by foul spirits; and they were cured every one.

When they heard this, they went at daybreak into the Temple Courts, and began to teach. The High Priest and his party, on their arrival, summoned the High Council, including all the leading men among the Israelites, and sent to the jail to fetch the Apostles.

But, when the officers got there, they did not find them in the prison; so they returned and reported that,

While they had found the goal barred securely and the guards posted at the doors, yet, on opening them, they had not found any one inside.

When the Officer in charge at the Temple and the Chief Priests heard their story, they were perplexed about the Apostles and as to what all this would lead to.

Presently, however, some one came and told them, that the men whom they had put in prison were actually standing in the Temple Courts, teaching the people.

On this, the Officer went with his men and fetched the Apostles--without using violence, for they were afraid of being stoned by the people--

And, in this present case, my advice to you is not to interfere with these men, but to let them alone, for, if their designs and their work are merely of human origin, they will come to an end;

But, if they are of divine origin, you will be powerless to put an end to them--or else you may find yourselves fighting against God!"

Then they induced some men to assert that they had heard Stephen saying blasphemous things against Moses, and against God;

And they stirred up the people, as well as the Councillors and the Teachers of the Law, and set upon Stephen, and arrested him, and brought him before the High Council.

There they produced witnesses who gave false evidence. "This man," they said, "is incessantly saying things against this Holy Place and the Law;

The eyes of all the members of the Council were riveted upon Stephen, and they saw his face looking like the face of an angel.

God's words were these--'Abraham's descendants shall live in a foreign country, where they will be enslaved and ill-treated for four hundred years.

But I myself will judge the nation, to which they will be enslaved,' God said, 'and after that they shall leave the country and worship me in this place.'

This king acted deceitfully towards our race and ill-treated our ancestors, making them abandon their own infants, so that they should not be reared.

He thought his brothers would understand that God was using him to save them; but they failed to do so.

This same Moses, whom they had disowned with the words--'Who made you a ruler and a judge?' was the very man whom God sent to be both a ruler and a deliverer, under the guidance of the angel that had appeared to him in the bush.

Yet our ancestors refused him obedience; more than that, they rejected him, and in their hearts turned back to Egypt,

While they said to Aaron--'Make us Gods who will lead the way for us, since, as for this Moses who has brought us out of Egypt, we do not know what has become of him.'

That was the time when they made the Calf and offered sacrifice to their idol, and held festivities in honor of their own handiwork!

Which of the Prophets escaped persecution at their hands? They killed those who foretold the coming of the Righteous One; of whom you, in your turn, have now become the betrayers and murderers--

At this, with a loud shout, they stopped their ears and all rushed upon him, forced him outside the city,

The people, one and all, listened attentively to what Philip told them, when they heard of, and saw, the miracles which he was working.

Every one, high and low, paid attention to him. 'This man,' they used to say, 'must be that Power of God which men call "The Great Power."'

And they paid attention to him because they had for a long time been mystified by his magic arts.

When the Apostles at Jerusalem heard that the Samaritans had welcomed God's Message, they sent Peter and John to them;

And they, on their arrival, prayed that the Samaritans might receive the Holy Spirit.

(As yet the Spirit had not descended upon any of them; they had only been baptized into the Faith of the Lord Jesus).

Then Peter and John placed their hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit.

Peter and John, having borne their testimony and delivered the Lord's Message, returned to Jerusalem, telling the Good News, as they went, in many Samaritan villages.

Presently, as they were going along the road, they came to some water, and the Treasurer exclaimed: "Look! here is water; what is to prevent my being baptized?"

So he ordered the carriage to stop, and they went down into the water--both Philip and the Treasurer--and Philip baptized him.

But, when they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord caught Philip away, and the Treasurer saw no more of him; for he continued his journey with a joyful heart.

The men traveling with Saul were meanwhile standing speechless; they heard the sound of the voice, but saw no one.

All who heard him were amazed. "Is not this," they asked, "the man who worked havoc in Jerusalem among those that invoke this Name, and who had also come here for the express purpose of having such persons put in chains and taken before the Chief Priests?"

On his arrival in Jerusalem, Saul attempted to join the disciples, but they were all afraid of him, as they did not believe that he was really a disciple.

But, when the Brethren found this out, they took him down to Caesarea, and sent him on his way to Tarsus.

Just at that time she was taken ill, and died; and they had washed her body and laid it out in an upstairs room.

On the next day, while these men were on their way, just as they were nearing the town, Peter went up on the housetop about mid-day to pray.

For they heard them speaking with 'tongues' and extolling God. At this Peter asked:

"Can any one refuse the water for the baptism of these people, now that they have received the Holy Spirit as we did ourselves?"

And he directed that they should be baptized in the Faith of Jesus Christ; after which they asked him to stay there a few days longer.

So Peter began to relate the facts to them as they had occurred.

On hearing this statement, they said no more, but broke out into praise of God. "So even to the Gentiles," they exclaimed, "God has granted the repentance which leads to Life!"

The news about them reached the ears of the Church at Jerusalem, and they sent Barnabas to Antioch.

And, when he had found him, he brought him to Antioch. And so it came about that, for a whole year, they attended the meetings of the Church there, and taught a large number of people; and it was in Antioch that the disciples were first called 'Christians.'

And this they did, sending it to the Officers of the Church by the hands of Barnabas and Saul.

Passing the first Guard, and then the second, they came to the iron gate leading into the city, which opened to them of itself; and, when they had passed through that, and had walked along one street, all at once the angel left him.

"You are mad!" they exclaimed. But, when she persisted that it was so, they said: "It must be his spirit!"

It happened that Herod was deeply offended with the people of Tyre and Sidon, but they went in a body to him, and, having succeeded in winning over Blastus, the Chamberlain, they begged Herod for a reconciliation, because their country was dependent on the King's for its food-supply.

When Barnabas and Saul had carried out their mission, they returned to Jerusalem, and took with them John, who was also known as Mark.

Barnabas and Saul, sent on this mission, as they were, by the Holy Spirit, went down to Seleucia, and from there sailed to Cyprus.

On reaching Salamis, they began to tell the Message of God in the Jewish Synagogues; and they had John with them as an assistant.