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I do not wish however that ye should be ignorant, brethren, that, many times, have I purposed to come unto you, but have been hindered, until the present, - in order that, some fruit, I might have among you also, even as among the other nations,

Who, indeed, having acknowledged the righteous sentence of God, - that, they who such things as these do practise, are worthy of death, not only, the same things, are doing, but are even delighting together with them who are practising them .

Unto them, on the other hand, who are of contention, and are not yielding unto the truth, but are yielding unto unrighteousness, anger and wrath,

But glory and honour and peace - unto every one who worketh what is good, both unto Jew first and unto Greek:

For, circumcision, indeed, profiteth - if, law, thou be practising; but, if thou be a transgressor of law, thy circumcision, hath become, uncircumcision

Far be it! But let, God, prove to be, true, albeit, every man, be false! Even as it is written - That thou mightest be declared righteous in thy words, and overcome when thou art in judgment.

But, if, our unrighteousness, commendeth, God's righteousness, what shall we say? Surely, not unrighteous, is God who visiteth with his anger? After the manner of men, I am speaking, -

But, if, the truth of God, by my falsehood, hath the more abounded unto his glory, why, any longer, am, even I, as a sinner, to be judged?

Whereas, unto him that worketh not but believeth on him that declareth righteous the ungodly, his faith is reckoned as righteousness.

How, then, was it reckoned? When he was in circumcision or in uncircumcision? Not in circumcision, but in uncircumcision;

And father of circumcision - unto them who are not of circumcision only, but who also walk in the steps of the faith, while yet uncircumcised, of our father Abraham.

For, not through means of law, doth the promise belong unto Abraham or unto his seed, - that he should be heir of thee world; but, through a righteousness by faith.

For, the law, worketh out anger, but, where there is no law, neither is there transgression.

But for our sakes also - unto whom it is to be reckoned, - even unto them that believe upon him who raised Jesus our Lord from among the dead:

But thanks be unto God, that - whereas ye were servants of sin, ye became obedient out of the heart unto the mould of teaching into which ye were delivered;

Hence then, her husband being alive, an adulteress, shall she be called - if she become another man's, but, if the husband have died, she is free from the law; so that she is not an adulteress, though she become another man's.

But, now, we have received full release from the law, by dying in that wherein we used to be held fast, so that we should be doing service - in newness of spirit and not in obsoleteness of letter.

Did, then, that which is good, unto me become death? Far be it! But it was sin, that it might appear sin, through that which was good unto me working out death, in order that, exceeding sinful, might sin become through the commandment.

For, that which I am working out, I do not approve, - for not, what I wish, the same I practise, but, what I hate, the same I do:

Now, however, no longer am, I, working it out, but the, sin, that dwelleth in me:

Now, if what I wish not, the same, I do, no longer am, I, working it out, but the, sin, that dwelleth in me.

Butthanks be unto God! - Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Hence, then, - I myself, with the mind, indeed, am in servitude unto a law of God; but; with the flesh; unto a law of sin.

For, unto vanity, hath creation been made subject - not by choice, but by reason of him that made it subject, in hope

And, not only so, but, we ourselves, also, who have the first-fruit of the Spirit - weeven ourselves, within our own selves do sigh, - sonship ardently awaiting - the redeeming of our body; -

For, by our hope, have we been saved, - but, hope beheld, is not hope, for, what one beholdeth, why doth he hope for?

Neither, because they are seed of Abraham, are all children, - but, In Isaac, shall there be called unto thee a seed.

And, not only so, but, when, Rebekah also, was with child, of one - Isaac our father, -

They, in fact, not being yet born, nor having practised anything good or bad, - in order that the purpose of God by way of election might stand, - not by works but by him that was calling,

Whom he also called, even us, not only from among Jews, but also from among the nations, what then?

Wherefore? Because, not by faith but as by works, have they sought it : they have stumbled at the stone of stumbling,

For I bear them witness that they have, a zeal for God, - but not according to correct knowledge;

But what saith it? Near thee, is the declaration, In thy mouth and in thy heart, - that is, the declaration of the faith, which we proclaim: -

But, not all, have become obedient unto the glad tidings; - for, Isaiah, saith - Lord! who believed what we have heard?

But I say: Have they not heard? Yea indeed, - into all the earth, hath gone forth their sound, and, unto the ends of the inhabited world, their declarations.

But I say: Hath, Israel, not come to know? First, Moses, saith - I, will provoke you to jealousy on account of a no-nation, on account of an undiscerning nation, will I make you very angry.

But what saith unto him the response? I have left for myself seven thousand men, who, indeed, have not bowed a knee unto Baal.

I say then - Did they stumble in order that they might fall? Far be it! But, by their fall, salvation hath come unto the nations, to the end of provoking them to jealousy.

For, if, the casting away of them, hath become the reconciling of a world, what shall, the taking of them in addition, be, but life from among the dead?

Be not boasting over the branches! Howbeit, if thou boast, it is not, thou, that bearest the root, but the root, thee!

Well: by their want of faith, they have been broken out, - and, thou, by thy faith, dost stand! - Regard not lofty things, but be afraid;

See, then, the kindness and the severity of God: upon them who have fallen, severity, - but, upon thee, the kindness of God, if thou abide still in the kindness, - otherwise, thou also, shalt he cut out;

As touching the joyful-message, indeed, they are enemies for your sake, but, as touching the election, beloved for their father's sake;

For, they who bear rule, are not a terror unto the good work but unto the evil. Wouldst thou not be afraid of the authority? That which is good, be thou doing, and thou shall have praise of the same;

For, God's minister, is he unto thee for that which is good. But, if, that which is evil, thou be doing, be afraid! For, not in vain, the sword he beareth; for, God's minister, he is, - an avenger, unto anger, to him who practiseth what is evil.

Wherefore it is necessary to be in subjection, - not only because of the anger, but also because of the conscience;

But, thou, why dost thou judge thy brother? Aye! and thou, why dost thou despise thy brother? For, all of us, shall present ourselves unto the judgment seat of God;

No longer, then, upon one another, let us be sitting in judgment, but, this, judge ye rather - not to be putting a cause of stumbling before your brother or an occasion to fall.

Do not, for the sake of food, be throwing down the work of God! All things, indeed, are pure; but, ill, is it for the man who with occasion of stumbling doth eat, -

For, even the Christ, not unto himself gave pleasure, but, even as it is written - The reproaches of them that we reproaching thee, fell upon me:

But, even as it is written - They shall see unto whom had been announced no tidings concerning him, and, they who had not heard, shall understand.

But, now, no longer having place in these regions, and having had, a longing, to come unto you a good many years, -

Who, indeed, for my life, their own neck laid down, - unto whom - not, I only, give thanks, but also all the assemblies of the nations;