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which is not really another one; only there are certain people who are trying to unsettle you and want to turn the good news of Christ upside down.

I want to ask you only this one thing: Did you receive the Spirit by doing what the law commands, or by believing the message you heard?

These men are paying you special attention, but not sincerely. They want to shut you off from me, so that you may keep on paying them special attention.

Tell me, you who want to be subject to law, will you not listen to what the law says?

These men who are trying to force you to let yourselves be circumcised simply want to make a fine outward show, only to keep you from being persecuted for the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Indeed, the very men who let themselves be circumcised do not themselves observe the law. But they simply want you to let yourselves be circumcised, so that they can boast of you as members of their party.