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At that time I said to you, I am not able to undertake the care of you by myself;

And you came near to me, every one of you, and said, Let us send men before us to go through the land with care and give us an account of the way we are to go and the towns to which we will come.

“When the Lord heard your words, He grew angry and swore an oath:

Then you said to me, We have done evil against the Lord, we will go up to the attack, as the Lord our God has given us orders. And arming yourselves every one, you made ready to go up without care into the hill-country.

And give the people orders, saying, You are about to go through the land of your brothers, the children of Esau, who are living in Seir; and they will have fear of you; so take care what you do:

"However, {take care} for yourself and watch your inner self closely, so that you do not forget the things that your eyes have seen, so that they do not slip from your mind all the days of your life; and you shall make them known to your children and to {your grandchildren}.

"When you approached and stood at the foot of the mountain a mountain that was blazing with fire at its core while the sky was covered with thick, dark clouds

So keep watch on yourselves with care; for you saw no form of any sort on the day when the voice of the Lord came to you in Horeb out of the heart of the fire:

Take care that you do not let the agreement of the Lord your God, which he has made with you, go out of your mind, or make for yourselves images of any sort, against the orders which the Lord your God has given you.

Moses called all of Israel together and told them: "Listen, Israel! Today I'm going to announce God's laws and regulations so that you will learn them and take care to obey them.

Take care, then, to do whatever the Lord your God has given you orders to do; let there be no turning away to the right hand or to the left.

So give ear, O Israel, and take care to do this; so that it may be well for you, and you may be greatly increased, as the Lord the God of your fathers has given you his word, in a land flowing with milk and honey.

then take care for yourself, so that you [do] not forget Yahweh, who brought you out from the land of Egypt from the house of slavery.

Keep with care the orders of the Lord your God, and his rules and his laws which he has given you;

The Lord your God will clear away these nations before you little by little; you will not be able to put an end to them quickly, for the wild beasts would grow too numerous for you.

Take care to keep all the orders which I give you today, so that you may have life and be increased and go in and take as a heritage the land which the Lord, by his oath to your fathers, undertook to give you.

"Take care for yourself so that you not forget Yahweh your God [by] not keeping his commandments and his regulations and his statutes that I [am] commanding you {today},

and your herds and flocks grow large, and your silver and gold multiply, and everything else you have increases,

Take care that your hearts are not lifted up in pride, giving no thought to the Lord your God who took you out of the land of Egypt, out of the prison-house;

{Take care} so that your heart is not easily deceived, and you turn away, and you serve other gods, and you bow down to them.

For if you take care to keep all the orders which I give you, and to do them; loving the Lord your God and walking in all his ways and being true to him:

And you are to take care to keep all the laws and the decisions which I put before you today.

These are the laws and the decisions which you are to keep with care in the land which the Lord, the God of your fathers, has given you to be your heritage all the days of your life on earth.

"Take care for yourself so that you do not offer your burnt offerings at [just] any place that you happen to see,

{Take care} so that you do not neglect the Levite all [of] your days on your land.

{take care} so that you are not ensnared {into imitating them} after their being destroyed from {before you}, and so that you not enquire concerning their gods, {saying}, 'How did these nations serve their gods, and [thus] {I myself} want to do also.'

Then let a full search be made, and let questions be put with care; and if it is true and certain that such a disgusting thing has been done among you;

If only you give ear to the voice of the Lord your God, and take care to keep all these orders which I give you today.

{Take care} so that there will not be {a thought of wickedness} in your heart, {saying}, 'The seventh year, the year of the remission of debt is near,' {and you view your needy neighbor with hostility}, and [so] you [do] not give to him, and he might cry [out] against you to Yahweh, and {you would incur guilt against yourself}.

And you will keep in mind that you were a servant in the land of Egypt: and you will take care to keep all these laws.

If word of this comes to your ears, then let this thing be looked into with care, and if there is no doubt that it is true, and such evil has been done in Israel;

And when he has taken his place on the seat of his kingdom, he is to make in a book a copy of this law, from that which the priests, the Levites, have in their care:

And the judges will have the question looked into with care: and if the witness is seen to be false and to have made a false statement against his brother,

In connection with the leper's disease, take care to keep and do every detail of the teaching of the priests, the Levites: as I gave them orders, so you are to do.

Then his brother's wife is to come to him, before the responsible men of the town, and take his shoe off his foot, and put shame on him, and say, So let it be done to the man who will not take care of his brother's name.

And thou shalt answer and say before the LORD thy God, 'The Syrians would have destroyed my father, and he went down into Egypt and sojourned there with a few folk and grew there unto a nation great, mighty and full of people.

Now if you give ear to the voice of the Lord your God, and keep with care all these orders which I have given you today, then the Lord your God will put you high over all the nations of the earth:

Your sons and daughters will be given to another people, while your eyes grow weary looking for them every day. But you will be powerless to do anything.

You will put in vines and take care of them, but you will get no wine or grapes from them; for they will be food for worms.

If you will not take care to do all the words of this law, recorded in this book, honouring that name of glory and of fear, THE LORD YOUR GOD;

'All its land is brimstone and salt left by fire, {none of its land will be sown}, and it will not make plants sprout out and it will not grow any vegetation; [it is] as the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, Adman and Zeboiim, which Yahweh overturned in his anger and in his wrath.'

Make all the people come together, men and women and children, and anyone from another country who is with you, so that hearing they may become wise in the fear of the Lord your God, and take care to do all the words of this law;

because after I've brought them to the land flowing with milk and honey that I promised to their ancestors by an oath, they'll eat, grow fat, and then they'll turn to other gods and serve them, while despising me and breaking my covenant.

Then Jeshurun grew fat, and kicked Thou art waxen fat, Thou art grown thick, And thou art covered with fatness; He gave up +God who made him, And lightly esteemed the Rock of his salvation.

The sword without, and terror within, shall destroy both the young man and the virgin, the suckling also with the man of gray hairs.

May the firstborn of his bull bring him honor, and may his horns be those of a wild ox; with them may he gore all peoples, all the far reaches of the earth. They are the ten thousands of Ephraim, and they are the thousands of Manasseh.

How blessed are you, Israel! Who can be like you, a people delivered by the LORD, your shield of help and your finely crafted sword. May your enemies cower before you. You will tread down their high places."