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how shall we escape if we despise so great salvation? Which at the first began to be preached of the Lord himself, and afterward was confirmed unto us ward, by them that heard it;

which can have compassion on the ignorant, and on them that are out of the high way, because that he himself also is compassed with infirmity:

Even so, likewise, Christ glorified not himself, to be made the high priest: but he that said unto him. "Thou art my son, this day begat I thee."

For when God made promise to Abraham, because he had no greater thing to swear by, he sware by himself,

And to say the truth, Levi himself also which receiveth tithes, paid tithes in Abraham.

Which needeth not daily - as yonder high priests - to offer up sacrifice, first for his own sins, and then for the people's sins. For that did he at once for all, when he offered up himself:

Not to offer himself often, as the high priest entereth into the holy place every year with strange blood:

for then must he have often suffered since the world began: But now in the end of the world, hath he appeared once, to put sin to flight, by the offering up of himself.