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For if the word uttered through angels stood firm, so that every transgression and act of disobedience met with its just retribution, how shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation?

Though he was a son, yet learned he obedience through the things which he suffered;

And even Levi, who is the receiver of tithes, so to speak, paid tithes through Abraham;

Now if there were perfection through the Levitical priesthood, (and it was under it that the people received the Law) why was it still necessary for another kind of priest to arise, after the order of Melchizedek, instead of being reckoned according to the order of Aaron?

But when Christ came, a High Priest of good things to come, he passed through the greater and more perfect tent not made with hands, that is to say, not of this material creation,

by the way which he dedicated for us, that new and living way, through the veil (that is, his flesh);

By faith Abel offered to God a sacrifice more acceptable than that of Cain, through which he had witness borne to him that he was righteous, God giving the testimony by accepting his gifts; and through it he, although he is dead, still speaks.

of whom it had been said, It is through Isaac that your posterity will be traced.

who through faith conquered kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions,