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But, when, these things, he had pondered, lo! a messenger of the Lord, by dream, appeared to him, saying, - Joseph, son of David! do not fear to take unto thee Mary thy wife, for, that which, in her, hath been begotten, is of the , Holy, Spirit.

But, all this, hath come to pass, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Lord, through the prophet, saying:

But, when King Herod heard, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him;

But, when Herod was, dead, lo! a messenger of the Lord, appeareth by dream unto Joseph in Egypt;

But John, himself, had his raiment of camel's hair, and a leathern girdle about his loins, - while, his food, was locusts and wild honey.

But, seeing, many of the Pharisees and Sadducees, coming unto his immersion, he said to them, - Broods of vipers! who suggested to you, to be fleeing from the coming wrath?

Whose fan is in his hand, and he will clear out his threshing-floor, - and will gather his wheat into the granary, but, the chaff, will he burn up with fire unquenchable.

But, he, would have hindered him, saying - I, have, need, by thee, to be immersed, - and dost, thou, come unto me?

But Jesus answering, said unto him, Suffer me even now, - for, thus, it becometh us, to fulfil, all righteousness; then, he suffered him.

But, seeing the multitudes, he went up into a mountain, - and, when he had taken a seat, his disciples came unto him;

Ye, are the salt of the earth; but, if the salt become tasteless, wherewith shall it be salted? it is good, for nothing, any more, save, being cast out, to be trampled on by men.

Neither light they a lamp, and place it under the measure; but upon the lampstand, and it giveth light to all that are in the house.

Whosoever, therefore, shall relax one of these commandments, the least, and teach men so, shall be called, least, in the kingdom of the heavens; but, whosoever shall do and teach, the same, shall be called, great, in the kingdom of the heavens.

Again, ye have heard that it was said, to them of olden time, Thou shalt not swear falsely, - but shalt render unto the Lord, thine oaths.

that thou do not appear, unto men, to be fasting, but to thy Father who is in secret, - and, thy Father who seeth in secret, will reward thee.

but be laying up or yourselves treasures in heaven, where, neither moth nor rust, doth tarnish, and where, thieves, dig not through nor steal:

And Jesus saith unto him, Mind! tell, no one, - but withdraw, thyself, shew to the priest, and offer the gift which Moses directed, for a witness unto them.

But the centurion, answering, said, Lord! I am of no consideration, that, under my roof, thou shouldest enter, - but, only say with a word, and healed shall be my servant.

And 1o! a great squall, arose in the sea, so that, the boat, was being covered, by the waves, - but, he, was sleeping.

But, that ye may know, that the Son of Man hath, authority, upon the earth, to be forgiving sins, then, saith he to the paralytic, - Rise! take up thy couch, and withdraw unto thy house.

And Jesus said unto them, - Can, the sons of the bridechamber, mourn, so long as, the bridegroom, is, with them? But days will come, when the bridegroom, shall be taken from them, and, then, will they fast.

Neither pour they new wine into old skins: otherwise at least, the skins are burst, and, the wine, runneth out, and, the skins, are spoiled, - but they pour new wine into unused skins, and, both, are together preserved.

While, these things, he was speaking unto them, lo! a certainruler, came, and began bowing down to him, saying, - My daughter, just now died! But come, and lay thy hand upon, her, and she shall live.

Then, saith he unto his disciples, The harvest, indeed, is great, but, the labourers, few;

But be going, rather, unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.

And, if the house be worthy, let your peace come upon it, but, if it be not worthy, let your peace, unto you, return.

But, as these were going their way, Jesus began to say unto the multitudes, concerning John, - What went ye forth into the wilderness to gaze at? A reed, by a wind, shaken?

But what went ye forth to see? A man, in soft clothing, arrayed? Lo! they who soft clothing do wear, are in the houses of kings.

But why went ye forth? A prophet, to see? Yea, I say unto you, and much more than a prophet.

But, from the days of John the Immerser, until even now, the kingdom of the heavens, is being invaded, and, invaders, are, seizing upon it.

But, unto what, shall I liken this generation? It is, like, unto children, sitting the market-places, who, calling unto the others,

But I say unto you, - Something greater than the Temple, is here!

And, whosoever shall speak a word against the Son of Man, it shall be forgiven him, - but, whosoever shall speak against the Holy Spirit, it shall not be forgiven him, either in this age, or the coming.

But, he, answering, said unto them, A wicked and adulterous generation, a sign, doth seek, and, a sign, will not be, given, it, save the sign of Jonah the prophet.

But, when the impure spirit goeth out of the man, it passeth through waterless places, seeking rest, - and findeth it not.

But, he, answering, said unto him that was telling him, Who is my mother? and who are my brethren?

But, some, fell upon the good ground, and did yield fruit, - this, indeed a hundred fold, and, that, sixty, and, the other, thirty.

For, whosoever hath, it shall be given, to him, and he shall be made to abound, - but, whoever hath not, even what he hath, shall be taken from him?

yet hath he no root in himself, but is, only for a season, - and, there arising, tribulation or persecution because of the word, straightway, he findeth cause of stumbling.

But, he on the good ground sown, the same, is he who doth hear and understand the word, who, indeed, beareth fruit and produceth, - this, a hundred, and, that, sixty, and, the other, thirty.

Suffer both to grow together until the harvest, and at, harvest time, I will say unto the reapers, - Collect ye first, the darnel, and bind it into bundles, with a view to the burning it up; but, the wheat, be gathering it into my barn.

which, indeed, is, less, than all seeds, but, when grown, is greater than garden-plants, and becometh a tree, - so that the birds of heaven come, and lodge among its branches.

which, when it was filled, they dragged up on the beach, and, sitting down, collected the good into vessels, but, the worthless, forth they cast.

And they began to find cause of stumbling in him. But, Jesus, said unto them - A prophet is not without honour, save in his city, and in his house.

But, a birthday feast of Herod taking place, the daughter of Herodias danced in the midst, and pleased Herod;

But, Jesus, said unto them, No need, have they to go away, - give, ye, them to eat.

But, they, say unto him - We have nothing here, save five loaves and two fishes.

But, seeing the wind, he was affrighted, and, beginning to sink, cried out, saying - Lord! save me!

But, he, answering, said unto them - Wherefore do, ye also, transgress the commandment of God for the sake of your tradition?

But, ye, say - Whosoever shall say to his father or his mother - A gift! Whatsoever, out of me, thou mightest be profited,

Not that which entereth into the mouth, defileth the man, but, that which proceedeth out of the mouth, the same, defileth the man,

these, are the things which defile the man, but, the eating with unwashed hands, doth not defile the man.

But, he, answered her no a word. And his disciples, coming forward began requesting him, saying - Dismiss her, because she is crying out after us.