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And it was in those days an order came out from Caesar Angustus, for the whole habitable globe to be enrolled.

And one of them named Agabus, rising up, signified by the spirit that a great famine was coming upon the whole habitable globe: which also came in the reign of Claudius Caesar.

And not having found them, they drew Jason and certain brethren to the rulers of the city, crying, That those having subverted the habitable globe, these also are present here;

And not only this part is in danger to us to come to reproach; but also the temple of the great goddess Diana to be reckoned for nothing, and her greatness also about to be destroyed, whom the whole of Asia and the habitable globe worship.

For having found this man a scourge, and moving sedition to all Jews in the habitable globe, and standing in the first rank of the sect of Nazarites:

But I say, Have they not heard? Surely, in all the earth went out their sound, and their words to the end of the habitable globe.

Which do you prefer? My coming to you with a club, or in a gentle, loving spirit?

And when again he should bring in the firstborn to the habitable globe, he says, And let all the angels of God worship him.

For not to the angels has he subjected the habitable globe about to be, of which we speak.

For indeed we have had the good news [of salvation] preached to us, just as the Israelites also [when the good news of the promised land came to them]; but the message they heard did not benefit them, because it was not united with faith [in God] by those who heard.

and I heard a voice from heaven, which was like the noise of many waters, or like a great thunder-clap: I heard too a sound like that of a harp, when touch'd by the hand of a musician.

For they are the spirits of demons doing wonders, which go forth unto the kings of the earth, and of the whole habitable globe, to gather them together unto the battle of that great day of God Almighty.