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Paul, Silas, and Timothy: To the Church of the Thessalonians which is in God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. May grace and peace be granted to you.

From you, in fact, hath sounded forth the word of the Lord - not only m Macedonia and in Achaia, but, in every place, your faith which is toward God, hath gone forth, so that, no need, have we to be saying anything;

For, my brothers, you yourselves know our coming in to you, that it was not in vain.

for you remember that although I had already borne ill-treatment and insult at Philippi, I took courage in my God to tell you the gospel of God, in the face of much opposition.

For my preaching was not grounded on a delusion, or on impure motives, on in deceit.

For as you well know, I never resorted to flattery, nor to any pretext for enriching myself. God is my witness!

For this reason also I am giving continual thanks to God, because when you heard from me the spoken word of God, you received it not as the word of men, but as the word of God (which in truth it is), who himself is effectually at work in you believe.

For you, my brothers, took as your examples the churches of God which are in Judaea in Christ Jesus; because you underwent the same things from your countrymen as they did from the Jews;

forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles that they may be saved; to fill up their sins always: but the wrath is come upon them to the uttermost.

But we, my brothers, being away from you for a short time, in body but not in heart, had all the more desire to see your face;

So, unable to bear it any longer, I made up my mind to be left behind at Athens all alone;

But when Timotheus reached me a moment ago, on his return from you, bringing me the good news of your faith and love and of how you always remember me kindly, longing to see me as I long to see you,

And that no man may make attempts to get the better of his brother in business: for the Lord is the judge in all these things, as we said to you before and gave witness.

And, truly, you are lovers of all the brothers in Macedonia; but it is our desire that your love may be increased still more;

for this to you we say in the word of the Lord, that we who are living -- who do remain over to the presence of the Lord -- may not precede those asleep,

And concerning the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need of my writing to you,

May grace and peace be granted to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Now as to the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, and our meeting with him, it is our desire, my brothers,

That you may not be moved in mind or troubled by a spirit, or by a word, or by a letter as from us, with the suggestion that the day of the Lord is even now come;

And now ye know that which restraineth, to the end that he may be revealed in his own season.

for the secret of the lawlessness doth already work, only he who is keeping down now will hinder -- till he may be out of the way,

For you know yourselves what you must do to follow my example, for I was not idle when I was with you;

I did not eat my food as a gift from any man, but in toil and travail, night and day, I worked, so that I might not be a burden to any of you.

not that we do not have the right, but so that we may give ourselves [as] an example to you, so that [you] may imitate us.

and such we command and exhort through our Lord Jesus Christ, that with quietness working, their own bread they may eat;

This is my handwriting. May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.

As I urged you when I was on my way to Macedonia, stay on at Ephesus so that you may instruct certain individuals not to teach any different doctrines,

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