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then I said, Behold, I come,??n the volume of the book it is written of me,??o do thy will, O God.

After saying, You had no desire for offerings, for burned offerings or offerings for sin (which are made by the law) and you had no pleasure in them,

Then he said, See, I have come to do your pleasure. He took away the old order, so that he might put the new order in its place.

Every priest stands day after day ministering and offering the same sacrifices time after time, which can never take away sins.

Now the Holy Spirit, too, gives us the testimony, for after saying:

By faith Enoch was taken up to heaven so that he did not see death; he was seen no longer, for God took him away: for before he was taken, witness had been given that he was well-pleasing to God:

Now those who say such things make it clear that they are looking for a country of their own.

By faith Joseph, when his end was nigh, made mention of the departure of the children of Israel; and gave commandment concerning his bones.

Others, again, of mockings and scourgings, received trial, nay! further, of bonds and imprisonments:

[looking away from all that will distract us and] focusing our eyes on Jesus, who is the Author and Perfecter of faith [the first incentive for our belief and the One who brings our faith to maturity], who for the joy [of accomplishing the goal] set before Him endured the cross, disregarding the shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God [revealing His deity, His authority, and the completion of His work].

Now think about how Jesus endured such opposition against Himself from sinners, so that you do not grow weary and become discouraged [yourself].

Now if you are exempt from correction and without discipline, in which all [of God’s children] share, then you are illegitimate children and not sons [at all].

For it is no tangible blazing fire that you have come up to, no blackness and darkness and storm,

and the sound of a trumpet, and the voice of words; which voice they that heard entreated that no word more should be spoken unto them;

See to it that you do not refuse [to listen to] Him who is speaking [to you now]. For if those [sons of Israel] did not escape when they refused [to listen to] him who warned them on earth [revealing God’s will], how much less will we escape if we turn our backs on Him who warns from heaven?

Now this [expression], “Yet once more,” indicates the removal and final transformation of all those things which can be shaken—that is, of that which has been created—so that those things which cannot be shaken may remain.

Do not be carried away by diverse and strange teachings; for it is good for the heart to be established and strengthened by grace and not by foods [rules of diet and ritualistic meals], which bring no benefit or spiritual growth to those who observe them.

Now I urge you, brothers, bear with my word of exhortation, for indeed I have written to you {briefly}.

But he must ask [for wisdom] in faith, without doubting [God’s willingness to help], for the one who doubts is like a billowing surge of the sea that is blown about and tossed by the wind.

Now let the brother of humble circumstances boast in his high position,

For the sun is no sooner risen with a burning heat, but it withereth the grass, and the flower thereof falleth, and the grace of the fashion of it perisheth: so also shall the rich man fade away in his ways.

For after looking at himself he goes away, and in a short time he has no memory of what he was like.

My fellow believers, do not practice your faith in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ with an attitude of partiality [toward people—show no favoritism, no prejudice, no snobbery].

Now if you people show special attention to the one wearing the fine clothing and say [to him], "You can sit here in this good seat," and to the poor person, "You stand over there," or "Sit on the floor by my feet,"

For he that said, Do not commit adultery, said also, Do not kill. Now if thou commit no adultery, yet if thou kill, thou art become a transgressor of the law.

What is the benefit, my fellow believers, if someone claims to have faith but has no [good] works [as evidence]? Can that [kind of] faith save him? [No, a mere claim of faith is not sufficient—genuine faith produces good works.]

But someone may say, “You [claim to] have faith and I have [good] works; show me your [alleged] faith without the works [if you can], and I will show you my faith by my works [that is, by what I do].”

Not many [of you] should become teachers [serving in an official teaching capacity], my brothers and sisters, for you know that we [who are teachers] will be judged by a higher standard [because we have assumed greater accountability and more condemnation if we teach incorrectly].

Now if we put the horses bridles into their mouths that they may obey us, we turn about their whole body also.

Out of the same month comes forth blessing and cursing. There is no need, my brethren, for these things so to be.

Can the fig tree, my brethren, bear olive berries? either a vine, figs? so can no fountain both yield salt water and fresh.

But if you have bitter envy in your heart and the desire to get the better of others, have no pride in this, talking falsely against what is true.

That kind of wisdom does not come from above. No, it is worldly, self-centered, and demonic.

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