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yet when anything is exposed by the light, it is made visible, and anything that is made visible is light.

and for me, that when I open my lips I may be given a message, so that I may boldly make known the secret of the good news,

for the sake of which I am an envoy, and in prison. Pray that, when I tell it, I may have the courage to speak as I ought.

In order that you also may know how I am, our dear brother Tychicus, a faithful helper in the Lord's service, will tell you all about it.

That is the very reason I am sending him, to let you know how I am, and to cheer your hearts.

Thus it is generally known throughout the Imperial Guard and elsewhere that it is for the sake of Christ that I am in prison,

These latter do it from love for me, for they know that God has put me where I am to defend our right to preach the good news.

But the others are preaching the Christ not sincerely but for their own ends, imagining that they are making my imprisonment harder to bear.

But what difference does it make? All that matters is that, in one way or another, from false motives or honest ones, Christ is being made known; I am glad of that. Yes, and I expect to be glad,

for I know that through your prayers and the help of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, all this will turn out for my highest welfare,

I am convinced of this, and so I know that I shall stay on and serve you all, to help you to develop and to be glad in your faith.

Take your part in the same struggle that you have seen me engage in and that you hear I am still keeping up.

I hope, with the help of the Lord Jesus, to send Timothy to you soon, so that I, too, may be cheered by having news about you.

But I feel that I must send back to you Epaphroditus, my brother, fellow-laborer, and fellow-soldier, whom you sent to look after my needs.

For he has been longing to see you all, and has been greatly distressed because you heard that he was sick.

So I am all the more eager to send him, so that you may have the pleasure of seeing him again, and I may feel more relieved.

Not that I have secured it yet, or already reached perfection, but I am pressing on to see if I can capture it, because I have been captured by Jesus Christ.

And you at Philippi know as well as I do, that in the early days of the good news, after I left Macedonia, no church but yours went into partnership and opened an account with me.

Not that I want your gifts, but I want you to have the profits that will accumulate to your credit.

In it, by divine appointment, I became a worker, that I might preach among you the message of God in its fulness??26 that secret, hidden from the ages and generations, but now disclosed to those who are consecrated to him,

"You must not handle," "You must not taste," "You must not touch"??22 referring to things that are all meant to be used up and destroyed? This is to follow mere human rules and regulations.

And you once practiced them as others do, when you lived that old earthly life.

for you know that it is from him that you are to receive that inheritance which is to be your reward. Think of Christ as the master you are working for.

Remember me to the brothers in Laodicea and to Nympha and the church that meets at her house.

When this letter has been read to you, have it read to the church at Laodicea also, and see that you read the letter that is coming from there.

This farewell is in my own hand, from Paul. Remember that I am in prison. God bless you.

so that you set an example to all the believers in Macedonia and Greece.

For the Lord's message has rung out from you not only over Macedonia and Greece, but the story of your belief in God has gone everywhere, so that we never need to mention it.

You know yourselves, brothers, that our visit to you was far from ineffectual.

For you, brothers, followed the example of God's churches in Judea that are in union with Christ Jesus, for you in your turn had to bear the same ill-treatment from your neighbors as they did from the Jews,

try to keep us from speaking to the heathen so that they may be saved, so as always to fill up the measure of their sins. But God's wrath has overtaken them at last!

and encourage you not to be led astray, any of you, in all these troubles. You know yourselves that this is what we must expect,

for when we were with you, we told you beforehand that we were going to have trouble, and it came true, as you know.

But now that Timothy has just come back to me from you, and brought me good news of your faith and love, and told me how kindly you think of me and that you long to see me just as much as I long to see you,

Now, brothers, we ask and entreat you, in the name of the Lord Jesus, to live as you learned from us that you must live, to please God??s indeed you are doing, only do it more and more.

For we can assure you, on the Lord's own authority, that those of us who will still be living when the Lord comes will have no advantage over those who have fallen asleep.

so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you and you in him, by the blessing of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.

not to let your minds be too easily unsettled or wrought up, by any message of the Spirit or any utterance or letter purporting to be from me, to the effect that the Day of the Lord has already come.

the adversary of every being that is called a god or an object of worship, and so overbearing toward them as to enter God's sanctuary and take his seat there, proclaiming himself to be God??5 do you not remember that when I was with you, I used to tell you this?

So now you know what it is that is holding him back from making his appearance before the appointed time arrives.