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You are not to bow down to their gods or serve them. You are not to follow their practices, but you are to overthrow them completely and smash their sacred stones to pieces.

Rather, you are to tear down their altars, you are to smash their sacred pillars, and you are to cut down their sacred poles

I'll smash them against each other, even fathers against their sons," declares the LORD. "I'll have no pity, mercy, or compassion when I destroy them."'"

"You are my war-club and weapons of war. I'll smash nations with you and destroy kingdoms with you.

I'll smash the horse and its rider with you. I'll smash the chariot and its rider with you.

I'll smash man and woman with you. I'll smash old man and young boy with you. I'll smash young man and young woman with you.

I'll smash the shepherd and his flock with you. I'll smash the farmer and his team of oxen with you. I'll smash governors and officials with you.

For indeed, the LORD is giving the command and he will smash the large house to rubble and the small house into bits.

Get up and smash them to pieces, daughter of Zion, because I will make your horn like iron and your hooves like bronze! And you will beat many people to pieces, and I will consecrate their dishonest gain to the LORD and their assets to the Lord of the entire earth."