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They actually made a calf in those days, offered sacrifice to this idol, and grew festive over what their own hands had manufactured.

and after speaking the word of the Lord in Perga they went down to Attaleia;

Well then, with regard to food that has been offered to idols, I am quite aware that 'there is no such thing as an idol in the world' and that 'there is only the one God.'

But remember, it is not everyone who has this 'knowledge.' Some who have hitherto been accustomed to idols eat the food as food which has been really offered to an idol, and so their weaker conscience is contaminated.

Suppose anyone sees you, a person of enlightened mind, reclining at meat inside an idol's temple; will that really 'fortify his weak conscience'? Will it not embolden him to violate his scruples of conscience by eating food that has been offered to idols?

Do I imply, you ask, that 'food offered to an idol has any meaning, or that an idol itself means any thing'?