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Then Jesus told him, "See, you are not to say a word to anybody; away and show yourself to the priest and offer the gift prescribed by Moses, to notify men."

The captain answered, "Sir, I am not fit to have you under my roof; only say the word, and my servant will be cured.

Now when evening came they brought him many demoniacs, and he cast out the spirits with a word and healed all the invalids ??17 that the word spoken by the prophet Isaiah might be fulfilled, He took away our sicknesses and he removed our diseases.

Whoever says a word against the Son of man will be forgiven, but whoever speaks against the holy Spirit will never be forgiven, neither in this world nor in the world to come.

As for him who is sown 'on stony soil,' that is the man who hears the word and accepts it at once with enthusiasm;

As for him who is sown 'on good soil,' that is the man who hears the word and understands it; he bears fruit, producing now a hundredfold, now sixty, and now thirtyfold."

Then the word spoken by the prophet Jeremiah was fulfilled: and I took the thirty silver pieces, the price of him who had been priced, whom they had priced and expelled from the sons of Israel;

"See, you are not to say a word to anybody; away and show yourself to the priest and offer what Moses prescribed for your cleansing, to notify men."

and a large number at once gathered, till there was no more room for them, not even at the door. He was speaking the word to them,

Similarly those who are sown 'on stony soil' are the people who on hearing the word accept it with enthusiasm;

but they have no root in themselves, they do not last; the next thing is that when the word brings trouble or persecution, they are at once repelled.

Another set are those who are sown 'among thorns'; they listen to the word,

As for those who were sown 'on good soil,' these are the people who listen to the word and take it in and bear fruit at the rate of thirty, sixty, and a hundredfold."

In many a parable like this he spoke the word to them, so far as they could listen to it;

That is repealing the word of God in the interests of the tradition which you keep up. And you do many things like that."

while they went out and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them and confirming the word by the miracles that endorsed it. (b) But they gave Peter and his companions a brief account of all these injunctions. And, after that, Jesus himself sent out by means of them from east to west the sacred and imperishable message of eternal salvation.

When they saw this they told people about the word which had been spoken to them about the child;

during the high priesthood of Annas and Caiaphas the word of God came to John the son of Zechariah in the desert;

Now as the crowd were pressing on him to listen to the word of God, he saw, as he stood beside the lake of Gennesaret,

Jesus ordered him not to say a word to anybody, but to "Go off and show yourself to the priest, and offer whatever Moses prescribed for your cleansing, to notify men."

and so I did not consider myself fit even to come to you. Just say the word, and let my servant be cured.

Those 'on the rock' are people who on hearing the word welcome it with enthusiasm, but they have no root; they believe for a while and fall away in the hour of trial.

Word was brought to him that "your mother and brothers are standing outside; they wish to see you."

However, they did not understand a word of this; indeed the saying was hidden from them, and they did not know what he meant.

For I tell you, this word of scripture must be fulfilled in me: he was classed among criminals. Yes, there is an end to all that refers to me."

and when the disciples recalled what he had said, after he had been raised from the dead, they believed the scripture and the word of Jesus.

you have had five husbands, and he whom you have now espoused is not your husband. That was a true word."

I know you are Abraham's offspring! Yet you want to kill me, since my word makes no headway among you!

but you do not understand him. I know him. Were I to say, 'I do not know him,' I would be a liar like yourselves; but I do know him and I hold to his word.

If the Law said they were gods, to whom the word of God came ??and scripture cannot be broken ??36 do you mean to tell me, whom the Father consecrated and sent into the world, 'You are blaspheming,' because I said, 'I am God's Son'?

Now for all the Signs he had performed before them, they did not believe in him ??38 that the word spoken by the prophet Isaiah might be fulfilled: Lord, who has believed what they heard from us, And to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed?

He who does not love me does not obey my word; and what you hear me say is not my word but the word of the Father who sent me.

I have made thy Name known to the men whom thou hast given to me from the world (thine they were, and thou gavest them to me), and they have held to thy word.

Nor do I pray for them alone, but for all who believe in me by their spoken word;

(that the word of Jesus might be fulfilled, by which he had indicated the kind of death he was to die).

"Mary!" said Jesus. She started round and said, "Rabboni!" (a Hebrew word meaning 'teacher').

and on hearing this the entire company raised their cry to God, "O Sovereign Lord, thou art he who made heaven, earth, and sea, and all that in them is,

When the apostles at Jerusalem heard that Samaria had accepted the word of God, they despatched Peter and John,

After bearing their testimony to the word of the Lord and preaching it, the apostles went back to Jerusalem, preaching the gospel to a number of the Samaritan villages;

Now the apostles and the brothers in Judaea heard that the Gentiles also had received the word of God.

Now those who had been scattered by the trouble which arose over Stephen made their way as far as Phoenicia and Cyprus and Antioch, but they preached the word to none except Jews.

On reaching Salamis they proclaimed the word of God in the Jewish synagogues, with John as their assistant.

he belonged to the suite of the proconsul Sergius Paulus, an intelligent man who called for Barnabas and Saul and demanded to hear the word of God.

and, after the reading of the Law and the prophets, the presidents of the synagogue sent to tell them, "Brothers, if you have any word of counsel for the people, say it."

has been fulfilled by God for us their children, when he raised Jesus. As it is written in the second psalm, thou art my son, to-day have I become thy father.

And on the next sabbath nearly all the town gathered to hear the word of the Lord.

So Paul and Barnabas spoke out fearlessly. "The word of God," they said, "had to be spoken to you in the first instance; but as you push it aside and judge yourselves unworthy of eternal life, well, here we turn to the Gentiles!

When the Gentiles heard this they rejoiced and glorified the word of the Lord and believed, that is, all who had been ordained to eternal life;

and the word of the Lord went far and wide over the whole country.

Here they spent a considerable time, speaking fearlessly about the Lord, who attested the word of his grace by allowing signs and wonders to be performed by them.

and after speaking the word of the Lord in Perga they went down to Attaleia;

and a keen controversy sprang up; but Peter rose and said to them, "Brothers, you are well aware that from the earliest days God chose that of you all I should be the one by whom the Gentiles were to hear the word of the gospel and believe it.

Paul and Barnabas, however, stayed on in Antioch, teaching and preaching the word of the Lord along with a number of others.

Some days later, Paul said to Barnabas, "Come and let us go back to visit the brothers in every town where we have proclaimed the word of the Lord. Let us see how they are doing."

They crossed Phrygia and the country of Galatia, the holy Spirit having stopped them from preaching the word in Asia;

And they spoke the word of the Lord to him and to all in his house.

But when the Jews of Thessalonica heard that Paul was proclaiming the word of God at Beroea as well, they came to create a disturbance and a riot among the crowds at Beroea too.

Well, as the race of God, we ought not to imagine that the divine nature resembles gold or silver or stone, the product of human art and invention.

By the time Silas and Timotheus came south from Macedonia, Paul was engrossed in this preaching of the word, arguing to the Jews that the messiah was Jesus.

This went on for two years, so that all the inhabitants of Asia, Jews as well as Greeks, heard the word of the Lord.