Thematic Bible: Child-like confidence in God

Thematic Bible

For this I say to you, Be not anxious about your soul, what ye eat, and what ye drink; nor about your body, what ye put on. Is not the soul more than food, and the body than dress? Look ye upon the fowls of heaven; for they neither sow, nor reap, nor collect into stores; and your heavenly Father nourishes them. Do ye not rather differ from them Which of you, being anxious, can add one cubit to his size? read more.
And about dress, why are ye anxious? Consider the white lilies of the field, how they grow; they are not wearied, neither do they spin: And I say to you that neither Solomon in all his glory was surrounded as one of these. And if the grass of the field, being this day, and to morrow cast into the furnace, God so clothes much rather you, ye of little faith! Therefore be ye not anxious, saying: What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, What shall we put round us? For all these the nations seek for; for your heavenly Father knows that ye have need of all these. But seek first the kingdom of God and his justice, and all these shall be added to you. Therefore should ye not be anxious about the morrow: for the morrow shall be anxious about the things of itself. Sufficient for the day its evil.