Thematic Bible: Country of

Thematic Bible

Amalek dwells in the land of the South. And the Hittite, and the Jebusite, and the Amorite, dwell in the hill-country. And the Canaanite dwells by the sea, and along by the side of the Jordan.

And David and his men went up, and made a raid upon the Geshurites, and the Girzites, and the Amalekites, for those [nations] were the inhabitants of the land, who were of old as thou go to Shur, even to the land of Egypt.

And Saul smote the Amalekites, from Havilah as thou go to Shur, that is before Egypt.

And they returned, and came to En-mishpat (the same is Kadesh), and smote all the country of the Amalekites, and also the Amorites, who dwelt in Hazazon-tamar.

(That also is accounted a land of Rephaim. Rephaim dwelt in it formerly, but the Ammonites call them Zamzummim, a people great, and many, and tall, as the Anakim. But LORD destroyed them before them, and they succeeded them, and dwelt in their stead,

And Israel smote him with the edge of the sword, and possessed his land from the Arnon to the Jabbok, even to the sons of Ammon, for the border of the sons of Ammon was strong.

Why do thou glory in the valleys, thy flowing valley? O backsliding daughter, who trusted in her treasures, [saying], Who shall come to me?

And Israel smote him with the edge of the sword, and possessed his land from the Arnon to the Jabbok, even to the sons of Ammon, for the border of the sons of Ammon was strong.

And their border was Jazer, and all the cities of Gilead, and half the land of the sons of Ammon, to Aroer that is before Rabbah,

but Esau I regarded inferior, and made his mountains a desolation, and [gave] his heritage to the jackals of the wilderness.

As for thy formidableness, the pride of thy heart has deceived thee, O thou who dwells in the clefts of the rock, who holds the height of the hill. Though thou should make thy nest as high as the eagle, I will bring thee down from

The sword of LORD is filled with blood. It is made fat with fatness, with the blood of lambs and goats, with the fat of the kidneys of rams, for LORD has a sacrifice in Bozrah, and a great slaughter in the land of Edom.

And from Judea, and from Jerusalem, and from Idumaea, and beyond the Jordan, and around Tyre and Sidon, a great multitude, having heard how many things he did, came to him.

Do not contend with them, for I will not give you of their land, no, not so much as for the sole of the foot to tread on, because I have given mount Seir to Esau for a possession.

Let us pass, I pray thee, through thy land. We will not pass through field or through vineyard, neither will we drink of the water of the wells. We will go along the king's highway. We will not turn aside to the right hand nor to t

And Isaac his father answered and said to him, Behold, of the fatness of the earth shall be thy dwelling, and of the dew of heaven from above.

And saviors shall come up on mount Zion to judge the mount of Esau, and the kingdom shall be LORD's.

Son of man, set thy face against mount Seir, and prophesy against it.

The burden of Dumah. He calls to me out of Seir, Watchman, what of the night? Watchman, what of the night?

Who is this who comes from Edom, with dyed garments from Bozrah, this who is glorious in his apparel, marching in the greatness of his strength? I who speak in righteousness, mighty to save.

Who will bring me into the strong city? Who has led me to Edom?

Ashdod, its towns and its villages, Gaza, its towns and its villages, to the brook of Egypt, and the great sea, and the border [of it].

Ekron, with its towns and its villages,

This is the land that yet remains: all the regions of the Philistines, and all the Geshurites;

from the Shihor, which is before Egypt, even to the border of Ekron northward, [which] is reckoned to the Canaanites; the five lords of the Philistines; the Gazites, and the Ashdodites, the Ashkelonites, the Gittites, and the Ekron

[namely], the five lords of the Philistines, and all the Canaanites, and the Sidonians, and the Hivites that dwelt in mount Lebanon, from mount Baal-hermon to the entrance of Hamath.

And when the five lords of the Philistines had seen it, they returned to Ekron the same day.

I will make mention of Rahab and Babylon as among those who know me. Behold, Philistia, and Tyre, with Ethiopia: This [man] was born there.

Moab is my wash pot. Upon Edom I will cast my shoe. Over Philistia I will shout.

And these are the golden tumors which the Philistines returned for a trespass-offering to LORD: for Ashdod one, for Gaza one, for Ashkelon one, for Gath one, for Ekron one.

And Philip, who went down to a city of Samaria, proclaimed the Christ to them. And the multitudes unanimously heeded the things that were spoken by Philip during their listening and seeing the signs that he did. For of many of those who had unclean spirits, they came out, crying in a great voice. And many who were paralyzed, and who were lame, were healed. read more.
And there became great joy in that city.

And many of the Samaritans from that city believed in him because of the word of the woman, who testified, He told me all, as many things as I did. So when the Samaritans came to him they asked him to remain with them, and he remained there two days. And many more believed because of his word. read more.
And they said to the woman, We no longer believe because of thy speaking, for we have heard ourselves, and know that this really is the Savior of the world, the Christ.

Now when the apostles at Jerusalem heard that Samaria has received the word of God, they sent Peter and John to them, who, when they came down, prayed for them, so that they might receive Holy Spirit, for it was not yet fallen upon any of them. They were only immersed in the name of the Christ Jesus. read more.
Then they laid hands on them, and they received Holy Spirit.

Indeed therefore, having solemnly testified and spoken the word of the Lord, they returned to Jerusalem, and preached the good-news in many villages of the Samaritans.

Then [wrote] Rehum the chancellor, and Shimshai the scribe, and the rest of their companions, the Dinaites, and the Apharsathchites, the Tarpelites, the Apharsites, the Archevites, the Babylonians, the Shushanchites, the Dehaites, and the rest of the nations whom the great and noble Osnappar brought over, and set in the city of Samaria, and in the rest beyond the River, and so forth.

And the king of Assyria brought men from Babylon, and from Cuthah, and from Avva, and from Hamath and Sepharvaim, and placed them in the cities of Samaria instead of the sons of Israel. And they possessed Samaria, and dwelt in the And so it was, at the beginning of their dwelling there, that they did not fear LORD. Therefore LORD sent lions among them, which killed some of them. Therefore they spoke to the king of Assyria, saying, The nations which thou have carried away, and placed in the cities of Samaria know not the law of the god of the land. Therefore he has sent lions among them, and, behold, they k read more.
Then the king of Assyria commanded, saying, Carry there one of the priests whom ye brought from there, and let them go and dwell there. And let him teach them the law of the god of the land. So one of the priests whom they had carried away from Samaria came and dwelt in Bethel, and taught them how they should fear LORD. However every nation made gods of their own, and put them in the houses of the high places which the Samaritans had made, every nation in their cities wherein they dwelt. And the men of Babylon made Succoth-benoth, and the men of Cuth made Nergal, and the men of Hamath made Ashima, and the Avvites made Nibhaz and Tartak. And the Sepharvites burnt their sons in the fire to Adrammelech and Anammelech, the gods of Sepharvaim. So they feared LORD, and made for them priests of the high places from among themselves, who sacrificed for them in the houses of the high places. They feared LORD, and served their own gods, after the manner of the nations from among whom they had been carried away. To this day they do after the former manner. They do not fear LORD, neither do they after their statutes, or after their ordinances, or after the law or after the commandment which LORD commanded the sons of Jacob, whom he named Is with whom LORD had made a covenant, and charged them, saying, Ye shall not fear other gods, nor bow yourselves to them, nor serve them, nor sacrifice to them. But LORD, who brought you up out of the land of Egypt with great power and with an outstretched arm, him ye shall fear, and to him ye shall bow yourselves, and to him ye shall sacrifice. And the statutes and the ordinances, and the law and the commandment, which he wrote for you, ye shall observe to do for evermore. And ye shall not fear other gods. And the covenant that I have made with you ye shall not forget. Neither shall ye fear other gods, but ye shall ye fear LORD your God, and he will deliver you out of the hand of all your enemies. However they did not hearken, but they did after their former manner. So these nations feared LORD, and served their graven images, their sons likewise, and their son's sons, as did their fathers, so do they to this day.

And it came to pass as he went to Jerusalem, that he was passing through the middle of Samaria and Galilee.

he left Judea, and departed into Galilee. And it was necessary for him to pass through Samaria. So he comes to a city of Samaria, called Sychar, near the place that Jacob gave to his son Joseph. read more.
And Jacob's well was there. Jesus therefore being wearied from the journey, thus was sitting on the well. It was about the sixth hour. A woman of Samaria comes to draw water. Jesus says to her, Give me to drink. For his disciples had gone away into the city so that they might buy food.

But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came to him, and when he saw him, felt compassion. And having come, he wrapped up his wounds, pouring on olive oil and wine. And having set him on his own beast, he brought him to an inn, and took care of him. And on the morrow when departing, after taking out two denarii, he gave them to the innkeeper, and said to him, Take care of him, and whatever thou might spend more, I will repay thee at my return.

And it came to pass as he went to Jerusalem, that he was passing through the middle of Samaria and Galilee. And as he entered into a certain village, ten leprous men who stood from afar met him. And they raised a voice, saying, Jesus, Master, be merciful to us. read more.
And when he saw them, he said to them, After departing, display yourselves to the priests. And it came to pass, during their going they were cleansed. And one of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back with a great voice glorifying God. And he fell upon his face beside his feet giving him thanks. And he was a Samaritan. And having answered, Jesus said, Were not the ten cleansed? But where are the nine? Were there none found who returned to give glory to God, except this foreigner? And he said to him, After rising, go. Thy faith has healed thee.

When therefore the Lord knew that the Pharisees had heard that Jesus was making and immersing more disciples than John (although Jesus himself did not immerse, but his disciples), he left Judea, and departed into Galilee. read more.
And it was necessary for him to pass through Samaria. So he comes to a city of Samaria, called Sychar, near the place that Jacob gave to his son Joseph. And Jacob's well was there. Jesus therefore being wearied from the journey, thus was sitting on the well. It was about the sixth hour. A woman of Samaria comes to draw water. Jesus says to her, Give me to drink. For his disciples had gone away into the city so that they might buy food. The Samaritan woman therefore says to him, How do thou, being Jewish, ask to drink from me, being a Samaritan woman, for Jews do not associate with Samaritans? Jesus answered and said to her, If thou had known the gift of God, and who it is who says to thee, Give me to drink, thou would have asked him, and he would have given thee living water. The woman says to him, Sir, thou have not even a container, and the well is deep. From where then have thou the living water? Are thou greater than our father Jacob who gave us the well, and drank from it himself, and his sons, and his livestock? Jesus answered and said to her, Every man who drinks of this water will thirst again, but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will, no, not thirst into the age. But the water that I will give him will become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life. The woman says to him, Give me this water, sir, that I may not thirst, nor come here to draw out. Jesus says to her, Go, call thy husband, and come here. The woman answered and said to him, I have no husband. Jesus says to her, Thou said correctly, I have no husband. For thou have had five husbands, and he whom thou now have is not thy husband. This thou have said true. The woman says to him, Sir, I perceive that thou are a prophet. Our fathers worshiped on this mountain, and ye say that in Jerusalem is the place where it is necessary to worship. Jesus says to her, Woman, believe me, that the hour is coming when neither on this mountain, nor in Jerusalem will ye worship the Father. Ye worship what ye do not know. We worship what we know, because salvation is from the Jews. But an hour comes, and now is, when the TRUE worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for also the Father seeks such kind who worship him. God is Spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth. The woman says to him, I know that Messiah comes, he who is called Christ. When that man comes he will declare all things to us. Jesus says to her, I who speak to thee am the man. And upon this his disciples came. And they marveled that he spoke with the woman, yet no man said, What seek thou? or, Why do thou speak with her? The woman therefore left her water pot, and departed into the city, and says to the men, Come, see a man who told me all, as many things as I did. Is not this the Christ? They went out of the city, and came to him. In the meanwhile the disciples asked him, saying, Rabbi, eat. But he said to them, I have food to eat that ye know not. The disciples therefore said to each other, Did any man bring him to eat? Jesus says to them, My food is that I do the will of him who sent me, and may finish his work. Do ye not say, There are still four months and the harvest comes? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and see the fields, that they are already white for harvest. And he who reaps receives a wage and gathers fruit for eternal life, so that both he who sows and he who reaps may rejoice together. For in this the saying is true, One is who sows, and another who reaps. I sent you to reap what ye have not labored. Others have labored, and ye have entered into their labor. And many of the Samaritans from that city believed in him because of the word of the woman, who testified, He told me all, as many things as I did. So when the Samaritans came to him they asked him to remain with them, and he remained there two days. And many more believed because of his word. And they said to the woman, We no longer believe because of thy speaking, for we have heard ourselves, and know that this really is the Savior of the world, the Christ.

The woman says to him, I know that Messiah comes, he who is called Christ. When that man comes he will declare all things to us.

These twelve Jesus sent forth, having ordered them, saying, Go not into a way of the Gentiles, and enter not into a city of the Samaritans,

The Samaritan woman therefore says to him, How do thou, being Jewish, ask to drink from me, being a Samaritan woman, for Jews do not associate with Samaritans?

And the head of Ephraim is Samaria, and the head of Samaria is Remaliah's son. If ye will not believe, surely ye shall not be established.