Thematic Bible

Thematic Bible

because of all the evil of the people of Israel and the people of Judah that they did to provoke me to anger--they, their kings, their officials, their priests, and their prophets, and the men of Judah, and the inhabitants of Jerusalem. And they have turned to me [their] backs and not [their] faces, though {I have taught them over and over again}, but they [were] not listening to accept discipline. And they set up their abominations in the house that is called by my name, to defile it. read more.
And they built the high places of Baal that [are] in the Valley of Ben Hinnom to present as offerings their sons and their daughters to Molech, which I had not commanded them, and it had not come to my {mind} to do this detestable thing in order to cause Judah to sin." "So now {therefore}, thus says Yahweh, the God of Israel, concerning this city, [of] which you [are] saying, 'It will be given into the hand of the king of Babylon by the sword, and by the famine, and by the plague':

And he said to me, "Son of man, lift up now your eyes {toward the north}." And I lifted up my eyes {toward the north}, and, look, [there was] to the north of the gate of the altar this image of jealousy at the entrance. And he said to me, "Son of man, "{Do you see} what they [are] doing--great detestable things that the house of Israel [is] committing here [so as] to drive [me] from my sanctuary, and yet {you will see again} greater detestable things."

And the he-goat grew {exceedingly great}, and {at the height of its power} the great horn was broken, and four conspicuous horns came up in place of it toward the four winds of heaven. {And from one of them} came forth horn, {a little one}, and it grew exceedingly toward the south, and toward the east, and toward the beautiful land. And it grew up to the host of heaven, and it threw down to the ground some of the host and some of the stars and trampled them. read more.
Even against the prince of the hosts it acted arrogantly and took away from him the regular burnt offering, and the place of his sanctuary was overthrown. And on account of transgression, [the] host was given over [to the horn] in addition to the regular burnt offering. And it cast down truth to the ground, and it {acted}, and it had success. And I heard a certain holy one speaking, and a certain other holy one said to the specific one {who was speaking}, "{For how long} [is] the vision [concerning] the regular burnt offering, and the transgression [that] makes desolate, and [the] giving over [of the] sanctuary and [the] host to trampling?" And he said to me, "For two thousand three hundred evenings and mornings, then [the] sanctuary will be restored."

"Seventy weeks is decreed for your people and {for your holy city}, to put an end to the transgression and to seal [up] sin and to make atonement for guilt and to bring [in] everlasting righteousness and to seal vision and prophet and to anoint {the most holy place}. And you must know and you must understand [that] from [the] time of the going out of [the] word to restore and build Jerusalem until [an] anointed [one]-- leader--[will be] {seven weeks and sixty-two weeks}; it will be restored and will be built [with] streets and moat, but {in a time of oppression}. "And after the sixty and two weeks an anointed one shall be cut off, and {he shall have nothing}, and [the] people of the coming leader will destroy the city and the sanctuary, and its end [will be] with the flood and [on] to [the] end [there shall be] war; [these] desolations are determined. read more.
And he will make a strong covenant with the many [for] one week, but [in] half of the week he will let cease sacrifice and offering {and in its place} a desolating abomination [comes] even until {the determined complete destruction} is poured out on [the] desolator."

"Then in his place will arise [one] sending an official [throughout] [the] glory of [his] kingdom, and {in a few days} he will be broken, but not in anger and not in battle. And in his place a despicable person will arise on whom they have not conferred the majesty of [the] kingdom, and he will come in {without warning} and he will seize [the] kingdom by deceit. And {before him} {mighty military forces} will be utterly swept away, and they will be broken, and also [the] leader of [the] covenant. read more.
And after an alliance [is made] with him, he will act deceitfully, and he will rise and he will become powerful with few people [backing him]. In [a time of] ease and in [the] rich parts of [the] province, he will come and he will do what {his predecessors} did not do; he will distribute plunder and spoil and possessions to them, and he will devise his plans against fortifications, but [only] {for a time}. And he will stir up his power and his heart against the king of the south and {with a much greater and stronger army}; but he will not succeed, for they will devise plans against him. And those who eat of his royal rations will break him and his army will be overwhelmed, and many will fall, slain. {And two of the kings} {will bend their hearts} to evil. And at the {same table} they will speak lies, but [what is discussed] will not succeed, for still an end [is coming] at the appointed time. Then he will return to his land with many possessions, but his heart [will be set] against {the holy covenant}, and he will take action and he will return to his land. "At the appointed time he will return and he will come into the south, but it will not be {as it was before}. And [the] ships of Kittim will come against him, and he will lose heart, and he will turn back, and he will be enraged {against the holy covenant}, and he will take action, and he will turn back, and he will pay attention to [those who] forsake {the holy covenant}. And military forces from him {will occupy} and will profane the {sanctuary stronghold}, and they will abolish the regular burnt offering, and they will set up the abomination that causes desolation.

Then I looked, I myself, Daniel, and look, there were two others standing: {one on this bank of the stream and one on the other}. Then he said to the man [who] was clothed in linen who [was] above the water of the stream, "{How long until} the end of the wonders?" And I heard the man [who] was clothed in linen who [was] above the water of the stream, and he raised his right hand and his left hand to heaven and he swore {by the one who lives forever} that [an] appointed time, appointed times, and half [an appointed time] [would pass] when [the] shattering of {the power of the holy people} {would be completed}; [then] all these things will be accomplished. read more.
Now I myself heard, but I [did] not understand, and I said, "My lord, what [will be the] outcome [of] these [things]?" And he said, "Go, Daniel, for the words [are] secret and [are] sealed [up] until [the] time of [the] end. Many will be purified and will be cleansed and will be refined, but [the] wicked will act wickedly {and none of the wicked will understand}, but {those who have insight} will understand. And from [the] time the regular burnt offering is removed and [the] abomination that causes desolation {is set up} [there will be] one thousand two hundred and ninety days.

"So when you see the abomination of desolation spoken about by the prophet Daniel standing in the holy place" (let the one who reads understand), "then those in Judea must flee to the mountains! The one who is on his housetop must not come down to take things out of his house, read more.
and the one who is in the field must not turn back to pick up his cloak.

"But when you see the abomination of desolation standing where it should not be" (let the one who reads understand), "then those in Judea must flee to the mountains! The one who is on his housetop must not come down or go inside to take anything out of his house, and the one who is in the field must not turn back to pick up his cloak.

And I heard [the] voice of a human at [the] Ulai, and he called and said, "Gabriel, [make] this [man] understand the vision."

And I [was] still speaking in prayer, and the man Gabriel, whom I had seen in the vision {previously}, {in my weariness touched me} at [the] time of [the] evening offering.

And I lifted up my eyes and I saw, and there was a man, [and] he was dressed [in] linen, and his waist was girded with [the] gold of Uphaz. Now his body [was] like turquoise, and his face [was] like [the] appearance of lightning, and his eyes [were] like torches of fire, and his arms and his legs [were] like [the] gleam of polished bronze, and the sound of his words [was] like [the] sound of a multitude. And I saw, I, Daniel {alone}, the vision; and the people who were with me {did not see} the vision; nevertheless, a great trembling fell upon them and they fled [in order] to hide themselves. read more.
And I myself, Daniel, alone saw this great vision, and [as a result] {no strength was left in me} and {my complexion grew deathly pale}, and I did not retain any strength. And I heard the sound of his words, and {when I heard} the sound of his words I myself [began] falling into a trance on my face, {with my face to the ground}. And look, a hand touched me and it roused me to my knees and the palms of my hands.

Then look, there was {one in the form of a human}; he touched my lips and I opened my mouth and I spoke and I said to the [one] standing {before me}, "My lord, because of the vision my anxieties fell upon me and I [have] not retained [my] strength.

And {he again touched} me, {the one in the form of a human}, and he strengthened me.

Then I looked, I myself, Daniel, and look, there were two others standing: {one on this bank of the stream and one on the other}. Then he said to the man [who] was clothed in linen who [was] above the water of the stream, "{How long until} the end of the wonders?" And I heard the man [who] was clothed in linen who [was] above the water of the stream, and he raised his right hand and his left hand to heaven and he swore {by the one who lives forever} that [an] appointed time, appointed times, and half [an appointed time] [would pass] when [the] shattering of {the power of the holy people} {would be completed}; [then] all these things will be accomplished.

Then I looked, I myself, Daniel, and look, there were two others standing: {one on this bank of the stream and one on the other}.