Thematic Bible

Thematic Bible

"Listen to another parable. There was a landowner who planted a vineyard, put a wall around it, dug a wine press in it, and built a watchtower. Then he leased it to tenant farmers and went abroad.

Your imperial guards are like the swarming grasshopper; your marshals are like hordes of grasshoppers, settling in the stone walls on a chilly day. The sun rises, and they flee away; no one knows where they went.

"Now, let me tell you, won't you please, what I'm going to do to my vineyard. "I'm going to take away its protective hedge, and it will be devoured; I'll break down its wall, and it will be trampled.

Whoever digs a pit may fall into it, and whoever breaks through a wall may suffer a snake bite.

The lifestyle of the lazy is like a thorny hedge, but the path taken by the upright is an open highway.

"Look how I'm blocking her path with thorns and building a wall to hinder her, so she can't find her way.

Whoever digs a pit may fall into it, and whoever breaks through a wall may suffer a snake bite.

Were they ashamed because they did what was repugnant to God? They were not ashamed at all they don't even know how to blush! Therefore they'll fall with those who fall. When I punish them, they'll be brought down," says the LORD.

Those who have been swearing oaths by the sin of Samaria, or who say, "As your god lives, Dan"' or who say, "As the way of Beer-sheba lives"' will fall, and will never rise again."

The righteousness of the innocent creates a level path, but the wicked fall by their wickedness.

Whoever digs a pit may fall into it, and whoever breaks through a wall may suffer a snake bite.

However, I'm not going to punish your daughters when they commit prostitution, nor your daughters-in-law when they commit adultery, because their men are themselves immoral they offer sacrifices with prostitutes. These people who aren't discerning will stumble.

"You are to say to them, "This is what the LORD says: "Will a person fall down and then not get up? Will someone turn away and then not turn back again?

They have set a snare for my feet, which makes me depressed. They dug a pit in front of me, but they are the ones who fell into it! Interlude

Whoever misleads the upright along an evil way will himself fall into his own pit, but the blameless will inherit what is good.

because a prostitute is a deep pit, and the adulterous woman a narrow well.

Whoever digs a pit may fall into it, and whoever breaks through a wall may suffer a snake bite.

He digs a pit, even excavates it; then he fell into the hole that he had made. The trouble he planned will return on his own head, and his violence will descend on his skull.

Let neither the floodwaters overwhelm me nor let the deep swallow me up, nor the mouth of the well close over me.

The arrogant have dug pitfalls for me disobeying your instruction.

Whoever digs a pit will fall into it, and the stone will come back on whoever starts it rolling.

"The one who flees from the terror will fall into a pit. And the one who comes up out of the pit will be caught in a trap. For I'll bring upon her, that is upon Moab, the time of her punishment," declares the LORD.

Whoever digs a pit may fall into it, and whoever breaks through a wall may suffer a snake bite.

Whoever digs a pit may fall into it, and whoever breaks through a wall may suffer a snake bite.

Whoever misleads the upright along an evil way will himself fall into his own pit, but the blameless will inherit what is good.

"For he has stumbled into a net with his own feet; he walked right into the network!

The nations have sunk down into the pit they made, their feet are ensnared in the trap they set.

Whoever digs a pit may fall into it, and whoever breaks through a wall may suffer a snake bite.

Thorns and snares lie in the path of the perverse person, but whoever is cautious stays far away from them.

Whoever digs a pit will fall into it, and the stone will come back on whoever starts it rolling.

An evil man is trapped by transgression, but the righteous person sings and rejoices.

Many will stumble on them; They'll fall and be broken; They'll be snared and captured.

Were they ashamed because they did what was repugnant to God? They were not ashamed at all they don't even know how to blush! Therefore they'll fall with those who fall. When I punish them, they'll be brought down," says the LORD.

Those who have been swearing oaths by the sin of Samaria, or who say, "As your god lives, Dan"' or who say, "As the way of Beer-sheba lives"' will fall, and will never rise again."

The righteousness of the innocent creates a level path, but the wicked fall by their wickedness.

Whoever digs a pit may fall into it, and whoever breaks through a wall may suffer a snake bite.

However, I'm not going to punish your daughters when they commit prostitution, nor your daughters-in-law when they commit adultery, because their men are themselves immoral they offer sacrifices with prostitutes. These people who aren't discerning will stumble.

"You are to say to them, "This is what the LORD says: "Will a person fall down and then not get up? Will someone turn away and then not turn back again?