Thematic Bible: For worship of God

Thematic Bible

Go ye, therefore, to the passages of the ways, and as many as ye should find, call to the nuptial feast.

And from whence shall wisdom be found? and where this place of understanding? And man knew not its estimation, and it shall not be found in the land of the living. The depth said, It is not in me: and the sea said, Not with me. read more.
Shut up gold shall not be given for it, and silver shall not be weighed its price It shall not be weighed with gold of Ophir, with the precious onyx, and the sapphire. Gold and crystal shall not compare with it, and its exchange, vessels of pure gold. High things, and crystal, shall not be remembered: and the drawing out of wisdom above pearls. The topaz of Cush shall not compare with it; with pure gold it shall not be weighed. And from whence shall wisdom come? and where this place of understanding? And being hid from the eyes of all living, and covered from the birds of the heavens. Destruction and death said, We heard its report with our ears: God understood its way, and he knew its place. For he will look to the ends of the earth, he will see under all the heavens; To make the weight for the wind; and he weighed the waters by measure. In his making a law for the rain, and a way for the lightning of the voices. Then he saw, and he will recount it; he prepared it, and also he searched it out And he will say to man, Behold, the fear of Jehovah, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding.

Happy the man finding wisdom; and the man shall bring forth understanding. For good her gain above the gain of silver, and her increase above gold. She is precious above red corals: and all thy delights shall not be equal with her. read more.
Length of days in her right hand; in her left, riches and honor. Her ways the ways of pleasantness, and all her beaten paths, peace. She is a tree of life to all holding upon her: and happy he holding her fast Jehovah by wisdom founded the earth; he prepared the heavens by understanding. By his knowledge the depths were rent, and the clouds will drop dew. My son, they shall not depart from thine eyes: keep counsel and meditation: And they shall be life to thy soul, and grace to thy throat Then shalt thou go thy way confidently, and thy foot shall not stumble. If thou shalt lie down thou shalt not be afraid: and thou liest down and thy sleep shall be sweet

Hear, ye sons, the instruction of a father, and attend to know understanding. For I gave to you good instruction; ye shall not forsake my law. For I was son to my father; tender and only before the face of my mother. read more.
And he taught me, and he will say to me, Thy heart shall hold fast my words: watch my commands and live. Obtain wisdom, obtain understanding: thou shalt not forget, and thou shalt not decline from the words of my mouth. Thou shalt not forsake her, and she will watch thee: love her, and she will guard thee. Wisdom the beginning; obtain wisdom, and with all thine acquisition, obtain understanding. Lift her up and she shall exalt thee: she will honor thee when thou. shalt embrace her. She will give to thy head a garland of grace: a crown of glory she will deliver thee. Hear, my son, and receive my words, and the years of life shall be multiplied to thee. In the way of wisdom I taught thee; I caused thee to tread in the tracks of uprightness In thy going, thy steps shall not be pressed; and if thou shalt run thou shalt not be weak. Lay hold upon instruction, thou shalt not let go: guard her for she is thy life.

Wisdom will cry without; in the broad places she will give her voice:

Shall not wisdom call, and understanding give her voice?

She sent forth her girls: she will call upon the wings of the heights of the city,