Thematic Bible

Thematic Bible

God looked at the earth, observing how corrupt its population had become, because the entire human race had corrupted itself.

For all the tables are covered in vomit and filth, with no clean space left.

and have grown fat and sleek. There is no limit to their evil deeds. They don't argue the case of the orphan to secure justice. They don't defend the rights of the poor.

"Forge a chain, because the land is full of bloody judgment and the city is filled with violence.

In the same way, on the outside you look righteous to people, but inside you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness.

Like a cage full of birds, so their houses are filled with treachery. This is how they have become prominent and rich, and have grown fat and sleek. There is no limit to their evil deeds. They don't argue the case of the orphan to secure justice. They don't defend the rights of the poor.

Like a cage full of birds, so their houses are filled with treachery. This is how they have become prominent and rich, and have grown fat and sleek. There is no limit to their evil deeds. They don't argue the case of the orphan to secure justice. They don't defend the rights of the poor.

God looked at the earth, observing how corrupt its population had become, because the entire human race had corrupted itself.

For all the tables are covered in vomit and filth, with no clean space left.

and have grown fat and sleek. There is no limit to their evil deeds. They don't argue the case of the orphan to secure justice. They don't defend the rights of the poor.

"Forge a chain, because the land is full of bloody judgment and the city is filled with violence.

In the same way, on the outside you look righteous to people, but inside you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness.

Your princes are rebels and companions of thieves. All of them are lovers of bribes and are runners after gifts. They don't bring justice to orphans, and the widow's case never comes up for review in their court."

and have grown fat and sleek. There is no limit to their evil deeds. They don't argue the case of the orphan to secure justice. They don't defend the rights of the poor.

and have grown fat and sleek. There is no limit to their evil deeds. They don't argue the case of the orphan to secure justice. They don't defend the rights of the poor. "Should I not punish them for this?' asks the LORD. "Should I not avenge myself on a nation like this?'

and have grown fat and sleek. There is no limit to their evil deeds. They don't argue the case of the orphan to secure justice. They don't defend the rights of the poor.

Jacob dined until satisfied; Jeshurun grew fat and kicked. He grew fat, coarse, and gross, so that he abandoned the God who made him and spurned the Rock that was his salvation.

They are imprisoned by their own prosperity, they have boasted proudly with their mouth.

"Though you rejoice, though you exult, you plunderers of my inheritance, though you skip around like a heifer in the grass and neigh like stallions,

How terrible it will be for you who are full now, because you will be hungry! How terrible it will be for you who are laughing now, because you will mourn and cry!

and have grown fat and sleek. There is no limit to their evil deeds. They don't argue the case of the orphan to secure justice. They don't defend the rights of the poor.

Jacob dined until satisfied; Jeshurun grew fat and kicked. He grew fat, coarse, and gross, so that he abandoned the God who made him and spurned the Rock that was his salvation.

They are imprisoned by their own prosperity, they have boasted proudly with their mouth.

"Though you rejoice, though you exult, you plunderers of my inheritance, though you skip around like a heifer in the grass and neigh like stallions,

How terrible it will be for you who are full now, because you will be hungry! How terrible it will be for you who are laughing now, because you will mourn and cry!

The tents of robbers are at rest, and those who provoke God are secure, that is, those who carry their god in their pocket.

You are righteous, LORD, even when I bring a complaint to you. But I want to discuss justice with you. Why does the way of the wicked prosper, while all who are treacherous are at ease?

and have grown fat and sleek. There is no limit to their evil deeds. They don't argue the case of the orphan to secure justice. They don't defend the rights of the poor.

For I was envious of the proud when I observed the prosperity of the wicked.

I once observed a wicked and oppressive person, flourishing like a green tree in native soil.

Just look at these wicked people! They're perpetually carefree as they increase their wealth.

and have grown fat and sleek. There is no limit to their evil deeds. They don't argue the case of the orphan to secure justice. They don't defend the rights of the poor.

and have grown fat and sleek. There is no limit to their evil deeds. They don't argue the case of the orphan to secure justice. They don't defend the rights of the poor.

and have grown fat and sleek. There is no limit to their evil deeds. They don't argue the case of the orphan to secure justice. They don't defend the rights of the poor.

I discovered for myself a bitterness that surpasses that of death: the woman whose heart is full of snares and nets, whose hands are chains of bondage. Whoever pleases God will escape from her, but the transgressor will be trapped by her.

A strong man who flatters his neighbor is setting a trap where he walks. An evil man is trapped by transgression, but the righteous person sings and rejoices.

"Evil men are found among my people. They lie in wait like someone who traps birds. They set a trap, but they do so to catch people. Like a cage full of birds, so their houses are filled with treachery. This is how they have become prominent and rich, and have grown fat and sleek. There is no limit to their evil deeds. They don't argue the case of the orphan to secure justice. They don't defend the rights of the poor.

Likewise, Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities near them, which like them committed sexual sins and pursued homosexual activities, serve as an example of the punishment of eternal fire.

For it is God's will that you be sanctified: You must abstain from sexual immorality. Each of you must know how to control his own body in a holy and honorable manner, not with passion and lust like the gentiles who do not know God. read more.
Furthermore, you must never take advantage of or exploit a brother in this regard, because the Lord avenges all these things, just as we already told you and warned you.

A jealous God, the LORD avenges. The LORD avenges; The Lord is an angry husband. The LORD takes vengeance on his enemies, reserving anger for his adversaries.

and to give us who are afflicted relief when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven with his mighty angels in blazing fire. He will take revenge on those who do not know God and on those who refuse to obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus. Such people will suffer the punishment of eternal destruction by being separated from the Lord's presence and from his glorious power

For the LORD will vindicate his people and bring comfort to his servants, because he will observe that their power has waned, when neither prisoner nor free person remain. "He will say, "Where are their gods, the rock in which they took refuge? Who ate the fat of their offerings and drank the wine that was their drink offering? Let them rise and help you and be your hiding place!' read more.
"Look now! I AM, and there is no other god besides me. I myself cause death and I sustain life; I wound severely and I also heal; from my power no one can deliver. "I solemnly swear to heaven I say "As certainly as I'm alive and living forever, I'll whet my shining sword, with my hands in firm grasp of judgment. I'll show vengeance on my adversary and repay those who keep on hating me. I'll make my arrows drunk with blood. My sword will devour flesh, along with the blood of the slain, and I'll take their enemy leaders captive.' "Sing for joy, nations! Sing for joy, people who belong to him! For he'll avenge the blood of his servants, turn on his adversary, and cleanse both his land and his people."

After these things, I heard what sounded like the loud voice of a large crowd in heaven, saying, "Hallelujah! Salvation, glory, and power belong to our God. His judgments are true and just. He has condemned the notorious prostitute who corrupted the world with her immorality. He has taken revenge on her for the blood of his servants."

"Evil men are found among my people. They lie in wait like someone who traps birds. They set a trap, but they do so to catch people. Like a cage full of birds, so their houses are filled with treachery. This is how they have become prominent and rich, and have grown fat and sleek. There is no limit to their evil deeds. They don't argue the case of the orphan to secure justice. They don't defend the rights of the poor. read more.
"Should I not punish them for this?' asks the LORD. "Should I not avenge myself on a nation like this?'

The tents of robbers are at rest, and those who provoke God are secure, that is, those who carry their god in their pocket.

You are righteous, LORD, even when I bring a complaint to you. But I want to discuss justice with you. Why does the way of the wicked prosper, while all who are treacherous are at ease?

and have grown fat and sleek. There is no limit to their evil deeds. They don't argue the case of the orphan to secure justice. They don't defend the rights of the poor.

For I was envious of the proud when I observed the prosperity of the wicked.

I once observed a wicked and oppressive person, flourishing like a green tree in native soil.

Just look at these wicked people! They're perpetually carefree as they increase their wealth.