Thematic Bible

Thematic Bible

Will windy words like yours never end? What is upsetting you that you keep on arguing?

In response, Job said: "I've heard many things like this. What miserable comforters you all are! Will windy words like yours never end? What is upsetting you that you keep on arguing?

"But now they mock me; men who are far younger than I, whose fathers I would have hated to entrust with my own sheep dogs. Furthermore, what could I have gained from men whose strength is gone? Unproductive due to poverty and hunger, they could only scratch in parched soil, devastated and desolated. read more.
"They would pluck off herbs from salt marshes to eat; and roots of the broom shrub for food. Driven away from human company, they were shouted at as though they were thieves. They lived in the most dangerous of ravines, in holes in the ground, and among rocks. They bray like donkeys among the bushes and huddle together under the desert weeds. Sons of fools and of uncertain reputation, they have been driven from the land by scourging." "Now, I've become the object of their mocking melodies; I'm nothing but a fool's proverb to them! They abhor me they keep their distance from me; but they don't refrain from spitting at the sight of me.

"But as for you, you whitewash with lies; all of you are worthless quacks. I wish you'd all just shut up. Then at least you would appear to be wise. "Now listen to my dispute! Pay attention to my arguments. read more.
Why do you speak falsely on God's behalf and speak deceitfully about him? Will you show partiality to him? Will you plead God's case? Will things go well for you under his cross-examination? Can you lie to him, as you would to a human being? "He will be sure to rebuke you, if you show partiality in secret. His splendor will petrify you with terror, paralyzing you with fear, won't it? Your maxims are just worthless proverbs; your defensive arguments are made of clay." "Don't talk to me! It's my turn to speak; then whatever happens, happens.

In response, Job said: "I've heard many things like this. What miserable comforters you all are! Will windy words like yours never end? What is upsetting you that you keep on arguing? read more.
"I could also talk like you if only you were in my place! Then I would put together an argument against you. I would shake my head at you

Mockers surround me; I cannot stop staring at their hostility all through the night.

In response, Job said: "How long do you intend to keep torturing me and trying to break me by what you're saying? Ten times you've tried to humiliate me! You're not ashamed to wrong me! read more.
Even if it's true that I've erred, my error only affects me. If you really intend to vaunt yourselves over me, and make my problems the basis of your case against me,

I tell you, on Judgment Day people will give an account for every thoughtless word they have uttered, because by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned."

A fool's words bring strife, and his mouth invites fighting. A fool's mouth is his unraveling, and his lips entrap himself.

In spite of many daydreams, pointless actions, and empty words, it is more important to fear God.

A thorn in the hand of a drunkard that's what a proverb quoted by a fool is.

A discerning mind seeks knowledge, but the mouth of fools feeds on stupidity.

A prudent man keeps what he knows to himself, but the hearts of fools shout forth their foolishness.

Those who are wise store up knowledge, but when the fool speaks, destruction is near.

What the wise have to say disseminates knowledge, but it's not in the heart of fools to do so.

Useless legs to the lame that's what a proverb quoted by a fool is.

I wish you'd all just shut up. Then at least you would appear to be wise.

Will windy words like yours never end? What is upsetting you that you keep on arguing? "I could also talk like you if only you were in my place! Then I would put together an argument against you. I would shake my head at you

"Who is this who keeps darkening my counsel without knowing what he's talking about?

Don't answer a fool according to his foolishness, or you will be just like him.

Don't lie about a servant to his master, or that servant will curse you and you will pay for it.

He begins his speech with foolishness, and concludes it with evil madness. The fool overflows with words, and no one can predict what will happen. As to what will happen after him, who can explain it?

Will windy words like yours never end? What is upsetting you that you keep on arguing?